Thursday, December 24, 2009

Do you believe?

This year the Santa thing has been a struggle. Princess goes to a Christian school and they teach them the true story of Christmas. Jesus' birthday. While that is great, I still want my kids to believe.  I have went along with the true reason of Christmas. I will never deny that fact. I want my kids to know that there is a purpose to it and not just an event to get gifts. 
My Princess came home and said Santa was not real. Mrs. Paula said so.... Damage control! Prince still believes in Santa. I want it to stay that way.

I explained to Princess that Santa is in her heart. It is something that you have to believe in. Later that day she saw Santa at the mall. Win for Mom!

This year Santa is a big deal in the house. Prince is talking and "trying" to venture out to see new people. This year he wanted to see Santa.

So off to see Santa we went:

Santa was informed to bring Princess something Pink. Prince a BIG bag of toys. Munchkin had no response.

Their wishes have been granted. They will get toys, not a lot but some toys.

As I go to sleep excited for their faces tomorrow morning I think to myself about how crushed I will be once they no longer believe.

Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful family day.

Quotable Thursday #27 Family

Welcome to Quotable Thursday. This week with the holidays upon us I am doing family quotes.
  • “Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children.” Rosaleen Dickson 
  • “Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."Anthony Brandt 
  • “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”  Dr. Seuss quotes  
  • “The love of a family is life's greatest blessing” Anonymous
  • “One of life's greatest mysteries is how the boy who wasn't good enough to marry your daughter can be the father of the smartest grandchild in the world.”
  • “No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?” Elbert Hubbard quotes


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Halloween

(I know it is late but I didn't think any pics turned out well) 

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Boys will be boys

Prince told me to take his picture. This is what I got:

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mean Mom

This is going to be a long post

Growing up I thought for sure I had the meanest and most overprotective mother on the planet. I mean really. She made me clean my room, take my cups out of my room, cut the phone lines off at 8 (God forbid her growing girl get sleep!), gave me a 10pm curfew, even at 18! Looking back, now that I have my own kids, my mom was not that mean. She did it out of love. Sure I know I pushed her to the edge. I am sure of it. At the end of the day I knew that she loved me. Did I still think she was mean? YEP! 

A couple days ago I got an email from my Mean Mom, the email was a poem titled Mean Mom's. In prep for this blog post I have found the author, Bobbie Pingaro. There was no other info other than the poem was copy writted in 1967. 

So here it goes, I share it with you. I bet we all had a mean mom!

The Meanest Mother

I had the meanest mother in the whole world.  While other kids ate
candy for breakfast, I had to have cereal, eggs or toast. When others
had cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich.  As you can
guess, my supper was different than the other kids' also.
     But at least, I wasn't alone in my sufferings.  My sister and two
brothers had the same mean mother as I did.
     My mother insisted upon knowing where we were at all times.   You'd
think we were on a chain gang.  She had to know who our friends were and
where we were going.  She insisted if we said we'd be gone an hour, that
we be gone one hour or less--not one hour and one minute. I am nearly
ashamed to admit it, but she actually struck us.  Not once, but each
time we had a mind of our own and did as we pleased.  That poor belt was
used more on our seats than it was to hold up Daddy's pants.  Can you
imagine someone actualy hitting a child just because he disobeyed?  Now
you can begin to see how mean she really was.
   We had to wear clean clothes and take a bath.  The other kids always
wore their clothes for days.  We reached the height of insults because
she made our clothes herself, just to save money.  Why, oh why, did we
have to have a mother who made us feel different from our friends?
    The worst is yet to come.  We had to be in bed by nine each night
and up at eight the next morning.  We couldn't sleep till noon like our
friends.  So while they slept-my mother actually had the nerve to break
the child-labor law.  She made us work.  We had to wash dishes, make
beds, learn to cook and all sorts of cruel things.  I believe she laid
awake at night thinking up mean things to do to us.
     She always insisted upon us telling the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth, even if it killed us- and it nearly did.
     By the time we were teen-agers, she was  much wiser, and our life
became even more unbearable.  None of this tooting the horn of a car for
us to come running.  She embarrassed us to no end by making our dates
and friends come to the door to get us.  If I spent the night with a
girlfriend, can you imagine she checked on me to see if I were really
there.  I never had the chance to elope to Mexico.  That is if I'd had a
boyfriend to elope with. I forgot to mention, while my friends were
dating at the mature age of 12 and 13, my old fashioned mother refused
to let me date until the age of 15 and 16.  Fifteen, that is, if you
dated only to go to a school function.  And that was maybe twice a year.

     Through the years, things didn't improve a bit.  We could not lie
in bed, "sick" like our friends did, and miss school.  If our friends
had a toe ache, a hang nail or serious ailment, they could stay home
from school.  Our marks in school had to be up to par.  Our friends'
report cards had beautiful colors on them, black for passing, red for
failing.  My mother being as different as she was, would settle for
nothing less than ugly black marks.
      As the years rolled by, first one and then the other of us was put
to shame.  We were graduated from high school.   With our mother behind
us, talking, hitting and demanding respect, none of us was allowed the
pleasure of being a drop-out.
     My mother was a complete failure as a mother.  Out of four
children, a couple of us attained some higher education.  None of us
have ever been arrested, divorced or beaten his mate.   Each of my
brothers served his time in the service of this country.  And whom do we
have to blame for the terrible way we turned out?  You're right, our
mean mother.  Look at the things we missed.  We never got to march in a
protest parade,  nor to take part in a riot, burn draft cards, and a
million and one other things that our friends did.
She forced us to grow up into God-fearing, educated, honest adults.
      Using this as a background, I am trying to raise my three
children.  I stand a little taller and I am filled with pride when my
children call me mean.
      Because, you see, I thank God, He gave me the meanest   mother in
the whole world.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Quotable Thursday 26: Rita Rudner

This week's Quotable Thursday will be Rita Rudner! I love her! She says the best stuff!
  • Before I met my husband, I'd never fallen in love, though I'd stepped in it a few times.
  • I got kicked out of ballet class because I pulled a groin muscle. It wasn't mine.
  • I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
  • I was going to have cosmetic surgery until I noticed that the doctor's office was full of portraits by Picasso.
  • My husband gave me a necklace. It's fake. I requested fake. Maybe I'm paranoid, but in this day and age, I don't want something around my neck that's worth more than my head.
  • Someday I want to be rich. Some people get so rich they lose all respect for humanity. That's how rich I want to be.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday: Instead of hooks

Welcome to WFMW!

This week I am going to do my alternative method to Ornament hooks. I have 3 kid, 2 are mobile. I can not imagine what is going to happen if they get into the hooks!

Remember these?

Now they have some that look neat. Like this!

Those look rather neat. Knowing my luck I would still end up with one of those in my foot!  So because of that fear I decided to use some craft thread I have around the house.

It is actually a type of cross stitch thread. It comes with 6 threads to one single thread. You pull it apart. and loop it through, tie a knot and there you have it! I used 3 strings but you could use 2. Which ever you want.

The kids love it! I also do not have to worry about them getting poked from the needles!!!

That is what works for me!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Quotable Thursday #25 Bill Cosby

Welcome to Quotable Thursday. I love quotes so every Thursday I will bring you 5 on any topic. They can also be random.

This week I chose Bill Cosby. He has humor and some sayings that make parents laugh! I love it!

  • In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
  • A word to the wise ain`t necessary - it`s the stupid ones that need the advice.
  • Always end the name of your child with a vowel, so that when you yell the name will carry
  • Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home
  • When you become senile, you won`t know it.
  • I don`t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
  • Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.
  • Parents are not quite interested in justice, they are interested in quiet.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Hawaii Bound

We got confirmation that we are indeed Hawaii bound! I really can't give much specifics as of certain dates and such but I will document my journey for other Navy wives who are going to do the PCS. I am a tad bit nervous, and a lotta excited.

So SD called the detailer and had to get released from regular orders. We thought this process would take days. Instead it was seconds. We found out within seconds that we were confirmed for orders. We are waiting for the "hard" copy. This "hard" copy is just a message.
We will be going to a ship that will be commissioned April 2011. My husband will take it from it's current home to Hawaii. He will then be a plank owner. This looks very good for his career.
We were very nervous for the move but because he will be going to a a precomm (a ship he is commissioning) we will be on a priority housing list. I have done some research and all of the places that are "bad" we can't move to since we rate a 4 bedroom because we have 3 kids.

This will he a new journey for us all. San Diego has been my home since '95. I will have then lived in every tropical state that the US owns!!!

Join me on my journey! From kiddos to the pup. I will give you all the details

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Works for me Wednesday- Baby Carrots

Over the summer my super market had one pound of baby carrots for .99 cents.  My kiddos LOVE baby carrots. I bought so many at a time I really didn't go what to do with them. Until I got a bright idea. Using a carrot peeler to make slices of the baby carrots. I can use them in a stir fry or a salad! Super easy too!!!

That's what works for me!!!!

Please join Works for me Wednesday at We Are That Family

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Life's hard lessons

When Prince was 18 months old I knew something wasn't right. At that point he failed 3 hearing tests, had pnemonia and liked weird things. He also didn't do "normal" things for a baby his age. He also never made noise other than crying. I knew in my heart I had to get help. Things quickly got worse.
He would lick the carpet, cold tile floors ANYWHERE, loved his vibrating tooth brush, constantly drooled and put things in his mouth.
With pushing and courage I got him in speech and a couple months later into occupational therapy.
With in 10 months he had the vocabulary of a kid his age. Understandable also! There aren't words that can express how thankful I am.
I had him in OT starting in December. She worked on some things but never his social issues. They always told me to make him like it.

When I got toward the end of my pregnancy I finally had enough. I took him out. For awhile he seemed fine. His quirks would happen every now and then, not to often.

Since Munchkin was born, Princess started school, and daddy is gone he started to slip again. I kept thinking he would snap out of it. Really fighting myself. He's back to his old things. It's really sad.
I called his doctor and they are putting the referral in for him to go to this new place.
I'm hoping it helps. This is hard. I know he can overcome it. I have faith in him.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cooler nights

Well here in SoCal it might not be winter just yet, but it sure is chilly. SD has been out with work related things ;o) and I've been home. My nights are so lonely as we countown to holidays and our upcoming deployment.

I really wanted to keep up with NaBloPoMo but life happens. I was under the impression that dh would be home this entire month. I was wrong. I had no time to mentally prepare. I just roll with it these days.

Prince is taking all this really hard. He's been asking for daddy daily and he's also been going back to some of his bad habbits. I've decided he needs to go back to OT in hopes he can get therapy he needs.

The cloth diapers are going well. I have decided to make my own because I get the fit I like and colors I like. That is going well.

Those are some I made and sent to a friend. Only one is Munchkin's.

Everyone here is well. We are waiting on word for orders then we will begin our new journey.

So, for now I will snuggle with my babies and wait for the weekend.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, November 16, 2009

Look at these

This is what I've been doing. Will post more later!!! Life is busy!

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Couple things

I am participating in NABLPOMO and I thought I was doing a good job at posting. I have not paid attention to the times. I have even fallen apart with my twitter feeds since I have been making the diapers. I just finished two for a friend and those will travel to the DC area tomorrow...

I am single mom-in it for a week. I thought all this was over! Perhaps I should not have thought. I am really excited for February. I really can't explain why just yet. I will though. It is exciting and scary all at the same time.

We are facing a deployment here soon. So I am mentally preparing for that. It is so scary but at least we will have our holidays.

One other thing... Can someone kindly explain the hoopla behind the games on Facebook? I do not have time to pee let alone sit down and play Facebook games.

Look for more posts coming up about diapers!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

My finished creation

I've been waiting on the edge of my seat for a package from China. I got it. I made this:

I think it's safe to say that as long as my machine is up and running she will have diapers. They are VERY tedious but saves money and so worth it!

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Fish and snail

These clownfish are picking on the snail..... Who would have thought???

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

My decision....

Is a HARD one.....

Do you know what this is a photo of???

Waikiki beach... Yes in HAWAII!!!!

While most people would kill to go there, I am not sure...

There are a lot of things to consider in my decision. The cost of living is one and now the education. I am sure I can make it work. SD really wants to go and I know my kids would love it. I need to make the best decision for our family and my kids education....

I will assure you that I will blog about my adventures so that some Navy wife after me will have a FAQ sheet!!!

We have about 13 days to make a decision... Thoughts????

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Not my weekend

I'm starting to believe this is not my weekend for customer service.

We went to the new Sonic location. On Halloween. It was NOT packed.

The Munckin was fussy so we parked and he went in. I am sure no one wanted to hear her fuss.

So he ordered 2 meals and 2 kiddo meals. It took 20 minutes to get that food. Fast food? I think not!

So some kid in his skates helps my hubby back to the van and we count food. They forgot a kids meal. Great!

The kid informs SD that he had to go back up and place the order. So, he takes Prince and trecks back up there.

Another 20 minutes goes by. Another 10.... Finally here comes SD! It took us 30 minutes for ONE kids meal.

I was furious. Our food was no longer warm, I was starving and the kids were tired.

What took so long? They told him they forgot about the order. It was on the bottom of the list.

We did get a free kids meal.

When we got home I couldn't figure out why the hype over the food. The drinks sure. Not the food.

This is one family that will not return to Sonic.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rude much

First let me start off saying that I tried twice to write this post via BlogPress for my iPhone. Once it blanked out and when to the home screen, second time it erased the post!!! WTH

So here I go.

Yesterday I went to Joann's to look for fabrics for cloth diapers. I know that I did not pick the best day to head to a fabric store but I was kid less, perfect time to go. So I head to the store.

This mission of mine was not on the list of things to remember....

I got in the store and it was packed. There were four people on the floor 2 cashiers and 2 at the cut table.

I look around the store for fabrics that I wanted or that I could use. I take the next number which is sixty. So I wait.

When It was my turn to be called I rushed to the older women that was there. I figure that she could help me better than the younger one using her scissors upside down!

So i hand her my number and ask her a couple questions. She doesn't know the answers to! I couldn't believe it. When she did give me answers she was really snappy. I kept being polite.I left with a smile.

There were eighteen people there. No one else to help in that big store!! Unbelievable!

I continue to look through the store to see what I can spend my hard saved dollars on... Nothing.

I head to the checkout and there are 2 cashiers speaking Spanish and English to each other. They are talking about who has the day off or not. WHO CARES! RING UP MY STUFF!!!

Maybe it was the fact they have piss poor planning. Maybe it was the fact that I went there on a busy day. I honestly am not sure. I do not plan on going back there unless they have a sale that is big enough for me to deal with the rude workers. This is not my first encounter with rude ladies at this location.

Back to online shopping I go....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

This and that

Hey there. I am here!

Life around here has been rather hectic for the last 10 weeks. My dh was doing stuff at work and averaged coming home about one day a week. It has been stressful with dinner planning and having time to myself.

I know that sounds selfish but after 3 kids I am not afraid to admit it! I think it really helps the sainity process!

I have been doing the cloth diaper thing for about a month or so now. I really like it. I never run out of diapers, and Munchkin has not had a rash since we switched over.
I am currently waiting on a shipment of fabric and snaps that I am on the seat of my chair to get! I am really excited.
I have also been toying with the idea of opening an Etsy shop. I am not sure how that will work with a deployment coming up but it seems exciting!

I have so much going on in the next 10 months with ideas going through my head. I really hope that you stick around to see what I have in store.

The challenge is if I can do it with 3 kids all 2 years apart!!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's not about "that"

I will be the first person to admit I could have more patience with my children. I am a bit up tight when it comes to messy kids and them getting into messes. I should force them to sit through a book to read, I should let them play outside more and I shouldn't protect them as much as I do.
One thing I do try to teach them is respect and manners. That life is sometimes not about what you get but about what you have. My kids seem to do well....

Since I have daughters I don't want them to think it's always about the outside. It's not about the clothes, it's not about jewerly. It's not if your hair is long or short, the makeup you wear or don't wear. I'm trying to instill in her, it's about the inside. It's about who she is as a person. It's about how she treats others.
At four years old my Princess has already been picked on fir not having name brand shoes. She has been through three shoe sizes in a year! Hell no!
Payless is MY shoe sorce untill these kids feet slow down. At 4 Princess ia in a 12, at 2 Prince is in a 10!

So anyway, I got Princess white tennis shoes. All white nothing crazy. She wears them to school and rainy days. We are flip flop folks anyway!

So yesterday as I'm putting on her shoes and we are learning to tie she asks me if she has "baby" shoes. (these shoes are by far to big to be "baby" shoes) I explain no these are big girl shoes. I ask what's the issue.

Apparently sine snobby boy told her she has baby shoes. Her shoes aren't cool enough for this little dude! I guess this dude is spoiled. He was Ugg boots at 5 that he wears to preschool, every piece if clothing is name brand, and from what it seems he can tell the difference!!!!

I try to stay calm during this entire convo that it's about who she is on the inside, not the outside!

I'm hoping I don't raise a child all about "that"

Next thing she says:
 "well if it's not about the outside why do you wear makeup and lash stuff?"

She's 4. They ask a crap load of questions and she's no exception ;o

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Works for me Wednesday - Formula

This weeks WFMW is about baby formula.
 What worked for me was to put gas drops IN the formula. Just as it breaks down the gas in the belly it also does so IN the formula. Somewhat like putting for finer in your soda to rid the carbonation.
Worked like a charm!!!

Thats what works for me!!!

 Please DO NOT send me mail saying that I am helping others formula feed their babies, pass poison on to them or whatever. I nursed my daughter for 3 months. I was a married single mamma with a baby that wanted to ALWAYS be up. After 2 days with no sleep, a baby not gaining weight and loads of depression I gave in to formula. Our relationship was better. No more crying and one happy mama!
Prince, nursed for 20 months with 2 rounds of mastitis and 2 rounds of thrush.

        Every situation is different, Munchkin is 2 months and going strong.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mistress, Yep that's me!

Okay seriously. Deployment is cakewalk compared to this crap.

The ship is doing some major inspection. SD has been home 2 days a week since Munchkin was born.

I usually don't bitch about the Navy.

There is always a but.....

This is crap! My hubby is 20 minutes away and we don't see him. We had more communication on deployment! I know they are busy. They crammed 2 years worth of crap in months!!!

It's crap I tell ya.

On a brighter side, SD keeps telling me he misses us and loves us. He's trying to make sure I know that. I guess a lot if couples on board are fighting and on the verge of divorce.

Communication is really the key. Understanding and communication. If you don't have that situations like this won't work.

We beat a lot of odds in our marriage. We built up a lot of trust and things have worked well. As with any job there can be long hours, crazy days and a large amount of BS. Hopefully this will all be over Friday.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quoteable Thursday #25: Random Quotes

Hello! Welcome to Quotable Thursday! I LOVE quotes and get them sent to me daily. So I save up my quotes so that I am able to write these posts. If you enjoy quotes make sure to come back every Thursday. Some days they are random and some days they might have a topic!

Well folks this will be my last round of random quotes from the my text. The phone company I have is going to discontinue their service of alerts. So I will have to get them the old fashion way ;o)

Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. - Anonymous

Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated; you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps. - David Lloyd George

Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash. - Gen. George S. Patton

When money talks, there are few interruptions. - Herbert V. Prochnow

Happiness and love are just a choice away. - Leo Buscaglia

We are judged by what we finish, not what by what we start. - Anonymous

I'd rather be a failure at something I love than a success at something I hate. - George Burns

The will to win is worthless if you don't get paid for it. - Reggie Jackson

Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. - Francis of Assisi

I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen. - Ernest Hemingway

An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding. - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

In the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled. - Paul Eldridge

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - Philo

The course of true love never did run smooth. - William Shakespeare

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Oh the joys....

Okay folks, I'm cheap, frugal, determined or whatever you would like to call it but I finished up two diapers today. Well tonight really. I really want to alter my pattern somemore so I have fabric freedom. The pattern I bought is great.
I really have mommy guilt right now. I wish I would have done cloth diapers with the other two. I also know after Princess I was in no state of mind for all that and with Prince we were to worried about his health.

Munchkin has been wearing them for 24 hours her red area went away and her elastic bumps have also went away.

We could buy these diapers but a can't see paying that much. Especially since I have a machine and I am able to, just takes a bit.

Goodnight, I'll have dreams of altering the pattern. Until then here's a pic:

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, October 09, 2009

THAT side... AGAIN

I was always that girl that bought lots of clothes. As soon as I got a shop that is what I did. Bought clothes. So many clothes I really never did laundry. I also loathe laundry. It is just tedious work that I hate.

That being said...

Munchkin get really irratated from diapers, the elastic. Not even something I can change. She does it with all the diapers I have tried on her.

We are doing cloth!!!

I can't believe it. I said I would never do cloth diapers. Well kids, never say never. I am one day into it and it is not that bad. I bought some that will fit her now as well as later.

The reason I have been absent from my blog..... I am making them.

I am trying different things. I got a couple patterns off the net but I didn't like them. So I bought a pattern and I made one but it is to small. So tonight I will be sewing 2 more after the kiddos go to bed to try on her.

I hope they work. Most of all I hope my fabrics work. We will see.... Wish me luck

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday- Cleaning tip

My cleaning tip for you is toilets. This is super easy and takes seconds to do.

I use vinegar.

Before I head to bed I pour about 5 generous seconds in the toilet and leave over night. Scrub when I wake.

Super simple.

Now, I'm sure you are wondering about the smell. Well, it's there but it does away after you scrub THEN flush.

This works for me.... Better than bleach.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Oh how I love thee....

Okay I know I said many times how I LOVED my Blackberry, the iPhone takes the cake.

There are thousands and thousands of iPhone apps. I have a few. I wont pay to much for them but the ones I have paid for I have not thought twice about.

Come to think of it I didn't pay for this one but you can!

The app I am referring to is the White Noise app! I love it. Better yet, Munchkin loves it!

I just put it on and it takes a couple seconds for her to calm down and get some shut eye!

Awesome app! Thanks TMSoft!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Quotable Thursday #24 Random Quotes

Hello! Welcome to Quotable Thursday! I LOVE quotes and get them sent to me daily. So I save up my quotes so that I am able to write these posts. If you enjoy quotes make sure to come back every Thursday. Some days they are random and some days they might have a topic!

This week there are a lot of Quotes. I accidentally erased them last Tuesday when I was going through them. I decided to take the rest of the weeks and this weeks and combine them! Happy reading

The public will believe anything, so long as it is not founded on truth. - Edith Sitwell

It's not what you pay a man, but what he costs you that counts. - Will Rogers

Never talk defeat. Use words like hope, belief, faith, victory. - Norman Vincent Peale

Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. - Aaron Levenstein

The love we give away is the only love we keep. - Elbert Hubbard

There are only two forces that unite men: fear and interest. - Napoleon Bonaparte

Who decides whether you shall be happy or unhappy? You do! - Norman Vincent Peale

There is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. - Booker T. Washington

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Buddha

Love is letting go of fear. - Gerald Jampolsky

You can only be young once. But you can always be immature. - Dave Barry

The habit of persistence is the habit of victory. - Herbert Kauffman

All human wisdom is summed up in two words: wait and hope. - Alexandre Dumas

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. - Henry Ford

Be a life long or short, its completeness depends on what it was lived for. - David Starr Jordan

Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame. - G.K. Chesterton

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We are busy busy busy

Guess what lucky little girl got these socks this weekend!?!?!?

That's right my Munchkin!!!!

We went to the San Diego Kids Expo this weekend. The kids did not have a nap that day so needless to say they were quite tired. They had a great time though. Prince really was not having it with all the people but he just played soccer the entire time. We finally got him in a jump house that no other kids were in. When it got full he had enough.

Princess had a blast! She an arm painting a stuffed pink poodle and had a blast with me talking to the people there.

I have been doing some networking on Twitter (@sailorsmistress) and met some wonderful women and we got tickets for the event from a nice lady I met on there. It was a fun time for all!

Our life around these parts has been stressful.

SD works 14 hour days, the kids rarely see him which means I'm what I call "single momin-it". The kiddos are really missing their daddy and of course I am missing my husband. How I do it, I am not sure. I will have a post about that later.

I can tell you that I know once I get through this next 4 weeks I can do ANYTHING!!!

Wordless Wednesday: Priceless

After a long day at the San Diego Kids Expo

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday: Lunches for Preschool

Since school has started I did not want to rush and have to put together lunches on school days. Princess goes 3 days a week and Prince one day a week.
I make the lunches the night before every bit of it. Since we live in Southern California and it is SO hot, it has been 105 when I have picked her up, I freeze her drinks. Her lunch is nice and cold by the time it gets to her.
This saves me a lot of time in the morning as well as her having a nice cold lunch with a very cold drink.

This is what works for me! You can find more of Works for Me Wednesday over at
We Are That Family.

P.S. If you do Blogger layouts please contact me, also if you know of someone who does please point me in their direction. Thanks!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Quotable Thursday #23 Baby Quotes

Hello! Welcome to Quotable Thursday! I LOVE quotes and get them sent to me daily. So I save up my quotes so that I am able to write these posts. If you enjoy quotes make sure to come back every Thursday. Some days they are random and some days they might have a topic!

This week I am doing baby quotes. Munchkin is 6 weeks today!!!!

Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it.
Marshall McLuhan

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

My friend has a baby. I'm recording all the noises he makes so later I can ask him what he meant.
Stephen Wright

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on.
Carl Sandburg

Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that two people in love can commit.
Bill Cosby

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.
Author Unknown

Babies are such a nice way to start people.
Don Herrold

A baby is born with a need to be loved -- and never outgrows it.
Frank A. Clark

A baby is an angel whose wings decrease as his legs increase.
Author Unknown

When you have a baby, love is automatic, when you get married, love is earned.
Marie Osmond

The kind of man who thinks that helping with the dishes is beneath him will also think that helping with the baby is beneath him, and then he certainly is not going to be a very successful father.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Having a baby changes the way you view your in-laws. I love it when they come to visit now. They can hold the baby and I can go out.
Matthew Broderick

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What the.....

So today was hot. Very hot. Infact this hot:

I took Princess to school and even dressed her in clothes that were pretty cool. I was hoping that the kids would not be outside to play for the hottest part of the day.

Well, when I get there I am telling her teacher how hot it is. She responded with "it must be the heat" I think well no shit! I am sure I have a stunned look on my face. She then says to me

"oh, you don't know?"

What the.... Is this a trick question???

Princess tossed up het snack at school today. Yes, she puked. I got NO phone call on either phone. Not the home. Not the cell. So I try to figure out what the cause could be.

They ate a snack and then went out and played. I'm sure that's the cause. I know my daughter. She has done this type of thing before.

Shouldn't I have at least got a phone call? I would have never known if I met her in the middle somewhere and just signed her out. Perhaps it's because she is at a private school? Maybe they knew it was from her running around after she ate? I'm not to sure.

On top of all the fuss, I left her one and only lunch box at school!!!! Total bummer but we can get it tomorrow or she can use her brothers.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday - Nursing Bra

Welcome to Works For Me Wednesday hosted by We Are That Family. I love sharing in this as well as looking at what everyone else shares. I think it is great.

This week I am sharing what I do for a nursing bra at night and while I am around the house. I have tried the sports bras at Motherhood and it does NOT work for me. This is a bit easier and it gives a bit of support as well as holds those oh so wonderful nursing pads.

I buy a 3 Pack of Strappy Sports Bras! Simple as that. Notice I said strappy. I would not consider myself the biggest busted person that I know but I do not lack in that area. They offer enough support for lounging around the house and keep everything from moving to much. I would NOT go running wearing these, walking sure. It works for around the house. They are comfortable and totally budget friendly! 3 are under $10!!!!

So that is what works for me!!!!!

Disposable Diapers: My Review

I would love to use cloth diapers. Really, I would. I loathe laundry though. I can not stand to do laundry. I also live in a condo so to hang them out to dry would not meet with the HOA rules. It just doesn't for for ME! I am not referring to others, it is just not for me.

I have tried lots of disposable diapers with the 3 kids. This is my personal review and opinion.


I tried Luvs with Princess and Prince and they both broke out in a horrid diaper rash. Princess loved them because they had Blue on them. They are super cute and they worked great but for us they cause diaper rash.

Just did not work for the first two as newborns so I left it at that. This time around I have tried the Pure & Natural diapers. I really like these. They are VERY soft and do the job. They actually feel like just a cloth diaper. They are great. I have noticed that their sizing is a bit different then the other brands I have had around the house. They seem to run smaller. So I have had to move the Munchkin into a size 1 in this brand before needing to do so in others.

Huggies also has worked very well for Prince when he has an upset tummy. His upset tummy issues usually bring on a crazy rash and I have used Huggies Supreme and it cleared up. They would keep him drier by pulling the wetness away from him. I also used my Lanolin Wipes and it cleared right up. I am not sure which worked or if they worked combined.


They do a great job! Hold a lot of mess and keep the kiddos dry. This is the diaper I will usually buy if I have a coupon. I really have no complaints. They work at night rather well. The Cruisers are great too! I really like them over all.

Also Pampers Swaddlers which go from Newborn size to size 2 I believe have this little line in them when they are wet. I never noticed it before with the other kiddos but I noticed this time!!!

Parents Choice

They do not have a website. They are Wal-Mart brand diapers. I love them!!! They remind be a lot of Pampers Baby Dry. They are no frills. Just a diaper. They have only leaked as the kids get older. By older, I mean OVER 2!!!

Mom to Mom

I like these diapers. They work. I had no issues but they are stiff. Also, in the middle where there is a crease is REALLY stiff. The crease stays there it really doesn't go away and form to the body as other diapers do. It doesn't seem to comfortable.

Overall for me I buy Parents Choice unless I have a coupon for a name brand. I love how basic they are. They work and most of all they save money!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Quotable Thursday #22 Random Quotes

Hello! Welcome to Quotable Thursday! I LOVE quotes and get them sent to me daily. So I save up my quotes so that I am able to write these posts. If you enjoy quotes make sure to come back every Thursday. Some days they are random and some days they might have a topic!I

One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated. - Thomas Moore

It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didn't. - Martin Van Buren

This is New York and there's no law against being annoying. - William Kunstler

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. - Charles Darwin

The world is so dreadfully managed, one hardly knows to whom to complain. - Ronald Firbank

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. - Les Brown

Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. - James Baldwin

It's better to light one candle than to clean the whole apartment. - Eileen Courtney

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. - Albert Einstein

After thirty, a body has a mind of its own. - Bette Midler

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday - Corn holder

Welcome to Works For Me Wednesday!

This week I am going to tell you how I make it a bit easier for the kiddos to hold their corn cobs.

Instead of the traditional corn cob holders:

For some reason these ALWAYS fall out for the kids. Especially when I use fresh corn. I needed to find something that worked for born kids and was a tad bit safer than the sharp ends of those. Since I have a lot of chop sticks I got a bright idea:

I used chop sticks I got from take out sushi, not my good ones. I shove them in as far as I can get them so they are sturdy and the kids are good to go!

I have no worry about the other holders coming out and them poking themselves and getting hurt!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thrift Store Tuesday - Dresses

Thrift Store Tuesday is something done over at Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife, I love the idea!!! I usually shop for my kids at thrift stores and build their wardrobe up that way! I think it is a wonderful way to save money and get name brand things that I refuse to pay for at less than half the price!

This year since Princess was starting school I wanted to get her some dresses. The dresses I found were all under $5 and in great shape. I did find one that I need to take in on the sides, it was $3 with a kite on it! She loves kites!!

I will say that I do cheat a bit. I go to children's resale shops to look for their clothes. I do have to take in one of the dresses but I will show that one later. So here are the 2 that I like.

This one was $5 exactly!!!

This was a boutique dress and I LOVE the buttons on the back:

Here is the 2nd one and it was $4.89!!! This one is SOOO cute!!!

Here is some detail of the bottom of the dress:

I got a few other things but these are my fav!!!!!

Happy thrifting!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Journey with a newborn bath....

I bet you are wondering WHY I would want to show you a picture of my bathroom sink....

Well that is how I have been giving Munchkin a bath. No problem so far. None. She loved it. She was very happy and calm.

The problem with that sink is SD does a lot of stuff for his reef tank in that bathroom. So not only am I really not sure what goes in that sink it really smells of garlic and other fish food. YUCK!!!

Even though it gets cleaning the chemicals and stuff stick in my head so we decided to get an infant tub.

She hates it!!!

I am not sure if it is because she is not ALL the way in the water like she is in the sink, but she screamed the ENTIRE time.

This is exactly what Princess and Prince did. Therefore, their baths were not as often.

She was so relaxed and calm after her baths it made for a great routine for all the kids. Tonight's bath will be done with out that net thing in there in hopes that she likes that better.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Quotable Thursday #21: Random Quotes

Hello! Welcome to Quotable Thursday! I LOVE quotes and get them sent to me daily. So I save up my quotes so that I am able to write these posts. If you enjoy quotes make sure to come back every Thursday. Some days they are random and some days they might have a topic!


Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison

You've got to take the initiative and play your game. In a decisive set, confidence is the difference. - Chris Evert

Content makes poor men rich; Discontent makes rich men poor. - Benjamin Franklin

To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only dream but also believe. - Anatole France

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. - Mark Twain

It is never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot

There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way. - Christopher Morley

Sadness flies away on the wings of time. - Jean de La Fontaine

Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. - Mark Twain

Love is the master key which opens the gates of happiness. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

No one can earn a million dollars honestly. - William Jennings Bryant

True happiness is not gained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. - Helen Keller

-- Post From My iPhone

Wordless Wednesday: Munchkin

She is 4 weeks old today!!!!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

What do you do every two hours

Life is great, it truely is.

Life in this house is hectic though!!!

I have Princess very excited about school that starts Wednesday.

Prince is being potty trained. He is doing such a good job. Makes me really proud.

Munchkin, is a nursing newborn baby!!! What more can I say??

Did I mention due to military inspections I will, once again, be his mistress.

So between nursing, potty training and drawing lord knows what, I try my hardest to remember that they are being as patient as kids can be as I'm 4 weeks into being a mom of 3!

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, September 04, 2009


SD has had to learn over the years about birthdays. He had never had a girlfriend before me to buy things for or any female for that matter. He had 8 sisters shop for mom....

This year he did good. I won't show you pictures of my van (that's just crazy),my iPhone is a 3G, my necklace isn't here yet.


I will show you my flowers

----Post from my iPhone