Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Works for me Wednesday - Formula

This weeks WFMW is about baby formula.
 What worked for me was to put gas drops IN the formula. Just as it breaks down the gas in the belly it also does so IN the formula. Somewhat like putting for finer in your soda to rid the carbonation.
Worked like a charm!!!

Thats what works for me!!!

 Please DO NOT send me mail saying that I am helping others formula feed their babies, pass poison on to them or whatever. I nursed my daughter for 3 months. I was a married single mamma with a baby that wanted to ALWAYS be up. After 2 days with no sleep, a baby not gaining weight and loads of depression I gave in to formula. Our relationship was better. No more crying and one happy mama!
Prince, nursed for 20 months with 2 rounds of mastitis and 2 rounds of thrush.

        Every situation is different, Munchkin is 2 months and going strong.

1 comment:

  1. Always a toughie isn't it.I put Kieran onto solids at 3 months because he wasn't gaining weight and I didn't want to use formula.I had I been informed better, I would of waited with the solids and topped up with formula.We stopped breastfeeding at nearly 11 months and he had formula until he was 1.Caitlin was put onto solids at nearly 6 months because I tried to give her formula as she wasn't gaining enough weight.She got a nasty rash around her face from it, she was breastfed until she was 17 months.With Mia she wasn't doing at all well, so we mixed fed from 4 and 1/2 months.We used a non-cows milk formula until she was almost 8 months.At 18 months she is still being breastfed.I found that support from other breastfeeding mums helped me from feeling guilty.I hope things go better for you this time.
