Thursday, December 24, 2009

Do you believe?

This year the Santa thing has been a struggle. Princess goes to a Christian school and they teach them the true story of Christmas. Jesus' birthday. While that is great, I still want my kids to believe.  I have went along with the true reason of Christmas. I will never deny that fact. I want my kids to know that there is a purpose to it and not just an event to get gifts. 
My Princess came home and said Santa was not real. Mrs. Paula said so.... Damage control! Prince still believes in Santa. I want it to stay that way.

I explained to Princess that Santa is in her heart. It is something that you have to believe in. Later that day she saw Santa at the mall. Win for Mom!

This year Santa is a big deal in the house. Prince is talking and "trying" to venture out to see new people. This year he wanted to see Santa.

So off to see Santa we went:

Santa was informed to bring Princess something Pink. Prince a BIG bag of toys. Munchkin had no response.

Their wishes have been granted. They will get toys, not a lot but some toys.

As I go to sleep excited for their faces tomorrow morning I think to myself about how crushed I will be once they no longer believe.

Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful family day.

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