Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What the.....

So today was hot. Very hot. Infact this hot:

I took Princess to school and even dressed her in clothes that were pretty cool. I was hoping that the kids would not be outside to play for the hottest part of the day.

Well, when I get there I am telling her teacher how hot it is. She responded with "it must be the heat" I think well no shit! I am sure I have a stunned look on my face. She then says to me

"oh, you don't know?"

What the.... Is this a trick question???

Princess tossed up het snack at school today. Yes, she puked. I got NO phone call on either phone. Not the home. Not the cell. So I try to figure out what the cause could be.

They ate a snack and then went out and played. I'm sure that's the cause. I know my daughter. She has done this type of thing before.

Shouldn't I have at least got a phone call? I would have never known if I met her in the middle somewhere and just signed her out. Perhaps it's because she is at a private school? Maybe they knew it was from her running around after she ate? I'm not to sure.

On top of all the fuss, I left her one and only lunch box at school!!!! Total bummer but we can get it tomorrow or she can use her brothers.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh... that's quite warm. The west is really getting it. Huzzy had a 93 degree day, and that's HOT for the Seattle area... especially in the fall.
