Thursday, December 03, 2009

Hawaii Bound

We got confirmation that we are indeed Hawaii bound! I really can't give much specifics as of certain dates and such but I will document my journey for other Navy wives who are going to do the PCS. I am a tad bit nervous, and a lotta excited.

So SD called the detailer and had to get released from regular orders. We thought this process would take days. Instead it was seconds. We found out within seconds that we were confirmed for orders. We are waiting for the "hard" copy. This "hard" copy is just a message.
We will be going to a ship that will be commissioned April 2011. My husband will take it from it's current home to Hawaii. He will then be a plank owner. This looks very good for his career.
We were very nervous for the move but because he will be going to a a precomm (a ship he is commissioning) we will be on a priority housing list. I have done some research and all of the places that are "bad" we can't move to since we rate a 4 bedroom because we have 3 kids.

This will he a new journey for us all. San Diego has been my home since '95. I will have then lived in every tropical state that the US owns!!!

Join me on my journey! From kiddos to the pup. I will give you all the details

1 comment:

  1. Hello - stumbled upon your blog while I am trying to make my own space in MilSpouse blogging - we just did the move to Hawaii(change of homeport)right before Christmas, its awesome here! I have 7 month old twin boys, and it was a very easy trip. Housing here is excellent, there are indeed some better than others, but nothing is 'horrible'.
