Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday: Lunches for Preschool

Since school has started I did not want to rush and have to put together lunches on school days. Princess goes 3 days a week and Prince one day a week.
I make the lunches the night before every bit of it. Since we live in Southern California and it is SO hot, it has been 105 when I have picked her up, I freeze her drinks. Her lunch is nice and cold by the time it gets to her.
This saves me a lot of time in the morning as well as her having a nice cold lunch with a very cold drink.

This is what works for me! You can find more of Works for Me Wednesday over at
We Are That Family.

P.S. If you do Blogger layouts please contact me, also if you know of someone who does please point me in their direction. Thanks!!!

1 comment:

  1. We were on the same page this morning! I also make breakfast and lunches ahead. It makes for a much calmer morning.
