Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Works for Me Wednesday: Instead of hooks

Welcome to WFMW!

This week I am going to do my alternative method to Ornament hooks. I have 3 kid, 2 are mobile. I can not imagine what is going to happen if they get into the hooks!

Remember these?

Now they have some that look neat. Like this!

Those look rather neat. Knowing my luck I would still end up with one of those in my foot!  So because of that fear I decided to use some craft thread I have around the house.

It is actually a type of cross stitch thread. It comes with 6 threads to one single thread. You pull it apart. and loop it through, tie a knot and there you have it! I used 3 strings but you could use 2. Which ever you want.

The kids love it! I also do not have to worry about them getting poked from the needles!!!

That is what works for me!


  1. I have those curly hooks (they sell 'em at the dollar store), and they work pretty well. I am about to toss all my ornaments, though (or put them away) because my 2 & 3 year olds take them down and they get all over the house!!!

    The embroidery thread idea is good, though! Oh, I have also used twisty ties (which might be good w/toddlers because they might make it harder to get ornaments off the tree!)

  2. I told my kiddos if they touch the tree one more time it is going down... I have said this 5 time. Next time I am taking it down and putting up the small fiber optic tree...
