Monday, December 22, 2008

If mom ain't happy...

Ain't nobody happy.

Have you heard that before? I'm most certain you have. This weekend was hell. I felt like pure crap. I tried to get the family back together after company left but it only ended in everyone being sick.
I have been extremely tired the last two days. I am not sure why. I keep thinking its due to the new medication. I can't be sure of that either. It is to the point I do not want to do anything. I have had to bring myself to do dishes and start clothes.
Notice I said start clothes. That is as far as I got.
If it were not for my crackberry (blackberry, for those of you who have not been reading for long) I certainly wouldn't be making this post. I am tired so I will watch TV then be off to sleep.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I feel like Schrooge

I do not feel good. Not at all.

I woke up Sunday morning feeling like I drank all of the bar the night before. Sad thing is, I did not have one drink! I was tired, my head felt like it was going to exploded and I just felt like crap. I wanted to go to the blood drive but I was not able to bring myself out of bed. I literally slept all day! Today I feel a bit better, but nothing fantastic.

It was a beautiful day. I would have loved more than anything than to take the kids out but I was not up to it. I am not sure what is wrong. I am on new medication for this PCOS thing. Could that be it? I am not sure but I hope it gets better soon. I have no appetite, nothing sounds good.

I hope this gets better. It is Christmas week and I want nothing more but to be with the family and do family things.

Please have me in your thoughts that I get better.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

What a week

As I mentioned earlier I was having a friend in town for the week. She was here for visitation reasons. It is rather hecktoc. We got it to work and now we are back to normal.

SD took prince to speech on Friday. He did really well. He went to the teacher and was prepared to have a great time. We are making progress quth speech and some sign. It takes him a bit to pick them up when he does he uses them. It is wonderful to communicate with him, somewhat.

Princess, was happy to have someone to play with for the short time they were here. She did well. They are both a bit of girlie girls, it worked out well.

Prince, was happy to have his house back. I am also.

I hope to start on some diapers for dolls here soon.

Monday, December 15, 2008

MPM 12/13-12/21

This week will be another hectic week. I did not make half of what I wanted to last week. This week I will finish and see how it goes. We have started our winter weather so it will be a lot of warm foods. Soups, Stews and such. Hope hubby is up for the challenge.

The foods of choice for this week:

Chicken Noodle soup
(left overs next day with rice added)

Veggie Beef Soup

Short Rib with rice and veggie

Salisbury Steak with mashed and green beans

Mom's Chili


some quick Asian Meal

I am still overwhelmed as to what else this month brings... Sorry it is not interesting but I hope it will be good.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Speech: Week 4

As I have mentioned before Prince goes to speech twice a week. He did rather well. Tuesday, he fussed for a minute and then went in there. Friday, he went right in. No problems. It was great. Of course I was a bit upset that he just went with her. It is a step that he needs to overcome though.

He did good. He is making sounds when he plays and doing signs for "more", "please" and "open". He is doing well.

Also, she can not find the punching bag thing in the back of his throat. Prince, also has an indention on the roof of his mouth and she doesn't think that has anything to do with his lack of communication. Than again, he is not talking yet.

Over all Prince, is doing well. He is happy and healthy. What more can I ask for.

Friday, December 12, 2008

I knew I could do it

I have not been alone with my kids for more than one day since May 2007. Prince was 5 months old, Princess was just over 2. It was easy. This time it is a bit different. Thing went surprisingly well. He did really good. When SD got home he would not let him go though. It was super cute.
We start our holiday leave. He has 2 weeks at home with us. He will return to work after Christmas. It will be nice. I will get a break and he will spend time with the kiddos.

We have nothing planned really. He has some friends coming from Minnesota and we will have a Christmas dinner with them. Nothing really exciting.

It has been cold here ad they are saying that we are getting a rain storm here. We are not getting any snow down this far but it will be rain and cold. I keep the kids inside a lot when it is cold. Ethan had a round of pneumonia last winter and I do not want to chance it.

Here is to a great holiday with the family!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Mpm 12/8- 12/14

Menu for the week of December 8th through 14th

This week is going to be very hectic. SD is gone for work and my friend is coming in from out of town this week. It is hard for me to cook when my husband is gone so I will do the best that I can. It is going to be a rough week. Wish me luck!

Dinners this week are

Chicken nuggets with green beans
Ham and grilled sandwiches with lima beans
homemade chicken noodle soup
Asian food
mac-n-cheese with hot dogs and cucumbers

Friday, December 05, 2008

Female Issues

No this won't be a gruesome tale about the trials and tribulations of being a female. It will however, be about what I have found out about myself this year.

Over the summer I did not have a cycle for about 4 months. I was not pregnant, there were no answers. Around the time of my birthday they ran some tests on me. At first they thought for sure thyroid issues. So that was what they ran tests with. Those results came back negative. My doctor ran over somethings with me telling me what it could be, during this time I did research myself.

I had an ultrasound towards the end of September. I had many questions for the tech. I am not so sure as to why I wasted my breath. I knew she couldn't tell me jack crap. Laying on the table and taking peeks at the screen I see my ovaries looking like pomegranates. The things I saw were cysts. It was really crazy. I became scared. Many things wondered through my mind. Would I be able to have more children was the main concern.

I was diagnosed with PCOS

I had many things to deal with during that time. I went on with them and the pain was slowly worse. When my bladder would be slightly full it would hurt, when I would sit to long it would hurt, car rides it would hurt, pressure it would hurt. I decided then it was time to see my doctor. I am on medication now to hopefully get this under control so in the future we can plan for another child.

While I was in with the doc I asked her about the Mirena that I was on for a year. I asked her if this could be a side effect of this certain type of IUD. She asked me a couple questions and would not confirm but she did state that it could be a possibility because it says in your system for UP TO 12 months. I had my IUD in for about 14 months. She did state that this might not last for the rest of my life and that it could be more controllable. Which is all good information. With that being said, the IUD is not for everyone. It was good for its purpose, let's hope that the side effects are not lingering.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Wordless Wesdnesday

What's your shape?

I know many mommies that have had 1,2 or 3 kids and look great. Lets face it, not every woman has a baby and their body bounces back like a rubber band. I My self struggle with weight, not a lot but I do. Those that knew me in high school know that from 9th grade to senior year my body went through all sizes. There was a time in my life i was tiny. Not a healthy tiny. I was, it happened to be the time right before Princess was born. Once again i was not healthy.

I have learned that I am the type of person that takes time to drop the baby weight. I was one of the 90% of women that get stretch marks and my body shape has changed. Of course i would love to lose my love handles and have a flatter tummy but this is me. Pregnancy is not easy on my body, the miracles that I bring upon this world are so worth it I do not plan on trading it for anything.

So those of you mommies who worry and obsess over your body, weight or what others will think I have found a site for you to go over and take a gander at. Just know that you are not alone. We all go through a point after kids that we do not like our bodies.
Some of us longer than others!

Enjoy it and embrace it.
It might not be beautiful but the reason you got that body sure is!!!
The Shape of a Mother

Speech: Week 3

Prince has been going to speech for 3 weeks now. The lady is wonderful. She has a lot of patience with him. I have decided to document his journey to talking in my blog. I do not want to come across as the pushy type to get my son to blab. I understand that once he is able to communicate to the world it might never stop. I am aware that one day I could be cursing myself because he will not hush up. I know these things. At this point they are all worth it to stop his frustration of life. He has a rough time communicating with others, kids his age and adults. As any parent would, I want my son to be normal and able to play with other kids without the worry of getting sued because be bit someone. why do I fear this? Prince has done it before! He has bitten his sister and other kids he plays with because he doesn't choose to use his words or he will say them at the wrong time.
Prince is a very smart child. He just doesn't talk for whatever reason. I have had 2 people that were testing him (speech & pt) tell me that they do not think he is autistic and it is just a speech issue. That is what I hope for. There are days where I wonder if he could be in the spectrum. He has great days and bad days.

So on with the speech. It is very hard for me to be in there with him because he gets so frustrated and wants me to fix everything. He learns and does better once I leave. Some days I will stay and others I will head home. Living only 3 minutes away this is nice since SD goes on workups soon.

We are going to try to start him twice a week so he can have more time with the speech teacher. I really think it will be beneficial to him, the speech teacher agreed.

This week my homework was to talk a lot around him. He needs to hear me talk and what I say. So that I will do. Prince, can say some words. The catch, when you tell him to! He will not use them on his own. He only says the first part. He doesn't finish a word.

On with our journey. I hope that if you read this with the same issues that I have i can be of some help.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Two New Year's coming up

Well as we get closer to the end of the year we are facing a new year. I have already started to think about a new year resolution and my hopes for the coming year. As the 2009 year comes upon us I face another new year. Since my children are half Vietnamese we also celebrate the traditions that my husband grew up celebrating. It is important that they are aware of where they come from and what makes them. As grandparents with stories get older I feel that things might be left out. I want them to be proud of who they are and understand at least half of what it took for their father to come to America and have a better life. That being said.

Tet is the Vietnamese new year. It is celebrated by dragon dances, family, food and great fun.

I am debating on making Brianna's outfit so she has a new one for her to wear this year. I can't wait to celebrate this year. It is so much fun for the kids!!! This is Ethan's first year of being able to have fun and understand!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Menu Planning Monday

Menu for Dec 1st- December 7th

Monday Dec 1st

beef stew with Rice

Tuesday Dec 2nd

Wednesday Dec 4th
Potato soup

Dec 4th
Our Christmas party, I am not sure what we are eating yet!!!
Kids and the sitter are having pizza for Dinner

Dec 5th
out with the kids

Dec 6th
Baked Chicken
butter carrots
scalloped potatoes

Dec 7th


On Tuesday Prince has speech so that night is hard for us when it comes to dinner. I had to shift some things. Everything will be scattered this week.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sewing: Felt Crown

I found this crown over at Juicy Bits and I just knew I could make it! The only thing is that she uses 100% wool but I was not able to find bright colors in that fabric. Instead, I bought regular felt and got stronger interfacing.
This is for my friends daughter who turns 3! I am so excited. I have a lot of work do learn on sewing and keeping a steady hand but I think this looks okay!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tip: Boiled eggs

Last night I was making the boiled eggs for today. Living in a rented condo you have to take short cuts.

It is best to let the eggs sit in cold water with ice in it to get the egg shells off better. Well I have 2 ice trays. I did not want to run out of ice for anything just in case. Looking in my freezer I found plastic ice cubes, mine are in the shape of flowers.

I put some water in the bowl added those and there you have it! Perfect eggs.

Not everyone has these laying around. I purchased mine at Wal-Mart in the summer for the kids

I have a secret

I have never made Thanksgiving dinner all by myself

Until this year that is!!!

I started to prepare last night. I made deviled eggs, shredded the cheese for the cornbread and diced up the potatoes for mashed. Score! I was not running behind.

This morning I woke up and started the rice for breakfast. Weird, I know. Rice is a important thing in our house sine the other 3 people here are Asian. The rice goes to a high cholesterol sausage that SD and the monsters really like. (I could have sworn I have blogged about it but I can't find it) Its rice with butter, hillshire farm sausage with syrup all over it. The syrup is fried with the sausage. I do not eat this. THEY do! After that was done I started the little smokies.

Then came the challenge!! The turkey. My mother calls her's Fred. I will leave that for her. I put lots of butter garlic parsley onion and have had it in the oven. Should be done in about 2 hours or so.

I made cream cheese wonton with crab and onion. The family loves these. They are so simple yet time consuming because you have to mix all the things together, make soft and then fold into the wrappers.

You know something is bound to happen to someone one's Thanksgiving. Something will go wrong usually. My dang turkey baster broke! It cracked down the side. I repaired it with some Peel & Seal and it was good to go. Also I lost a beater to my mixer but that's okay.
My Thanksgiving dinner was great! My turkey was good and everything else was perfect!
I am truly thankful that I was able to pull this off.

Times of the year like this when I am supposed to be near family really make me think.
My Granny and Dad have both been through cancer in the last year. I am thankful that they are here today with me.
I am thankful that my husband was not deployed, He was able to be here with us.
I am thankful for my kid's health

I am thankful for so many things. I can't name them all I would flood this page with thanks.

Hope you all had a wonderful meal and we able to be with the ones you love!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tag, You're it!

The sneaky Storm over at Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife tagged me! So I will join in on the fun!!

ule #1 ~ Link to the person that tagged you.
Rule #2 ~ Post the rules on your Blog.
Rule #3 ~ Write 6 random things about yourself.
Rule #4 ~ Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
Rule #5 ~ Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.
Rule #6 ~ Let the tagger know your entry is up.

1- I can not stand to fold clothes! I hate it!
2- I have to be cold when I sleep. I can't sleep hot
3- I used to love to drive until I had kids, Now it scares me
4- I have always been a crafty person. I sometimes express it weird
4- I am cheap!
5- I would eat Chinese Food all day every day if I could
6- I do not like to talk on the phone. I would rather text!

I really do not have people to tag that I read off of. They are mostly large blogs that get a lot more traffic than little ol me.

In the mail: Kashi TLC soft baked cereal bars

I got in the mail this wonderful package!!! It was a cereal bar from Kashi. I knew it had to be good!! OMG was it ever!!! Yummy! Great flavor. I got the Blackberry Graham, loved it! I love the blackberry flavor and the cereal bar it's self was wonderful.

I so plan to buy more....

Also they sent me some coupons. I will share them with you! I received 5 coupons for $2 off Kashi soft baked cereal bars. They come in ripe strawberry, baked apple spice, and blackberry graham. Email me or leave a comment if you would like the coupon

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Toddlers, vinager and the speech class

Today was a tiring day. For some reason the Prince woke up today thinking that he had to get into everything!!! I couldn't keep up! As hard as I tried! Our bed side drawer was minor compared to what he got into!

The kicker!!! Oh what you think it could not be that bad? Right? WRONG!!!!

He poured 1/2 gallon on vinegar on the carpet in the hallway! The house stinks! It is so tart that it feels like the littlest hairs in my nose are burning! Horrid. I doaked a bunch up with the carpet cleaner but I was not able to get a lot of it. I put a fan to help dry it easier and faster but that was the best I could do. So for now we will smell the vinegar.

Prince goes to speech every Tuesday. This is time that we are taking to help him talk and communicate with others. Some of these days are harder than others. Today was one of them. This is his 3rd day. The first one was getting to know the teacher as well as a run down of things. The second one I didn't go in the room. Today since it was a different lady (his regular teacher was out for the holiday) I decided I had better go in. HUGE mistake. Prince backtracked. He would not communicate with her in any manor. Nothing. Signs or hand jesters were out of the question for him as well. I ended up breaking down. I know he is smart. I know he can talk. He just doesn't for whatever reason. Maybe it is him. The thoughts run through my head that perhaps it is me. I am not hard enough on him to make him talk. He has had whatever he wanted since day one. I know that eventually we will get it. He will talk. For now it is a struggle. I will fight this. He will fight this. Just as he has been a fighter since birth.

Needless to say, today was emotional, tiring, and hard. I know it gets easier. I hope for those days!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Carpet Cleaning

Is for the birds!

I thought it would be a great idea to have a carpet cleaner. I wanted to have one since I have 2 kids and 2 furkids. I mean having such messes you need that type of thing.

Perhaps I do not have the patience. I just do not want to go over and over things. I Know they are good to have in all but wouldn't it just be better to have someone come do it.

We will see how it works out when SD does it. I feel that my luck is at its end with these sort of things.

Menu Planning Monday

I'm an organizing Junkie

This is my first MPM. Growing up my mom always did a menu. She shopped off that menu. It made it much easier for her. She was in the Navy and we got home at 5 at night. We knew what was for dinner ahead of time. It was nice. Even to this day I call and say "What's for dinner?"

So here is my first menu

Asian pork tenderloin
fried rice

I am not sure yet as it is Speech for Prince and it has to be something fast

Breakfast for dinner

green bean casserole
broccoli and cheese corn bread n(Granny's recipe)
cranberry sauce

Left overs

Grilled cheese & ham
green beans


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Recipe: Mom's Chili

I just love my mother's chili. She is 2500 miles away, so here chili would be rather hard to eat for a family of 4 for dinner. She emailed me the recipe and I went to work on it.

Here is how it went

1 bell pepper
1 onion
1 package of chili mix (i used McCormick)
2 cans of kidney beans
1 pound of hamburger
2 cans of tomato sauce
chili powder to your taste
cumin (she puts this, I didn't)

Salt and pepper to taste on meat

Brown the meat. When it is half way through the browning process add onion and bell pepper. Finish browning. Add tomato sauce and chili mix. Cook through. Stir.

If you chose to add water do do. Put in beans and let cook.

My mother cooks hers for a long time. Mine was ready in 45 minutes! Very good and tastes just like moms!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gas, PT and overall thoughts

Well it was about time to fill up the Element. I went to the corner gas sore and I was rather suprised at what I saw. Gas for $1.95! I have a 13 gallon gas tank, so I figured it would have been about $26 to fill up. A tank of gas lasts me a long time. I just stay around town and since I do not work I don't waste a bunch of gas. I was rather excited.
Yesterday Prince got inserts put in his shoes. He walks with his toes pointed in. I have been told that it is coming from the hips not the knees. Which makes perfect sense. His hip joints are extremely lose. I can touch his toes together rather easily. I do need to buy him a bigger pair of shoes though because these do not give him room for the toes at the end. We will get those soon. I need to find ones that he likes first.

Lately I have been shopping at the .99 cents stores. Why? Well because they have awesome deals!! We have 3 stores here that I like to go to. One is the .99 Cents only store and the other 2 are Dollar Trees. They are great. Tonight I am making chili with everything I bought from there minus the hamburger I got on base. Everything all together is less than $7. I got the recipe from my mother. I love hers so I hope that mine will be just as good.

Here is to a great dinner

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sewing: Purse from fused plastic bags

I made this purse out of fused plastic bags. I got the tutorial over at Esty labs. I thought for sure that it would be hard. It was a bit time consuming but overall fun. Nothing I can do while the Prince is awake. I did it in the dining room with the windows open. I love it!! I will decorate it with some paints and such. I will post the finished product later.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekend wrap-up

Laundry done
My bathroom done
playroom done

A clean house to start of the week is the best feeling in the world. However it did not come without a fight and some disagreements. My husband does not seem to understand how good it feels to have a clean house and wake up and start your week off that way. He had things he wanted to do and I had what I felt I needed to do.

Now I have time this week to get started on some crafts.I can't wait!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Review: ScotchBright Glass Stovetop Cleaner

I purchased this because I heard good reviews about it. My Granny bought it and she says that it does wonders. I mean it is overall good but I felt it left a shine on my stove. I had to put more elbow grease in to use it then I do the cleaner that I buy. They say it is easy. I would rather just use the Easy Off brand.

Here is the website link

Glass Stovetop Cleaner

This is the one that I like to use. I just get a non scratch scrubbing bad and that works better!!
Easy Off Glass stove top cleaner

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sewing: Ugly Doll

I was looking through blogs and I saw these Ugly doll things. I knew that would be easy to make.

I took some scraps and buttons and went to town.

I drew my pattern on a 8" x 11" piece of paper. It looked cute at that point. The fabric I chose was a bit bulky so it did not turn out how I expected. It is still cute though!!!

Here she is... I will name her Pinkey

Friday, November 07, 2008

I like to play with poop

Not really. That is what I had to do this week though.
Prince had a doctor appointment with a GI doctor due to some tummy issues. They wanted me to get 5 samples and take to the lab. So I had the mommy job of playing wit poop!

Thursday, November 06, 2008


This picture brings back memories of fishing with my dad and Granny growing up.

Going early fishing to get the best fish. Or the best fish for a 7 year old. I miss those days.

Growing up in Florida its the simple things in life that make a child's memories.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Frustration of speech

Or lack there of.

My Prince is 21 months and has a language level of a 12 month old. We have taken him to verious places for help. We tried First 5, he didn't like that. He didn't want to play with the other kids. He wanted to sit in my lap and play. He was the oldest child there and all of the others didn't talk either. I really do not see that as any help to him because it is not helping him talk and communicate with his peers.
We had a speech eval at Childerns Hospital here in San Diego. The pathologist did a rather LONG eval and in the end told me what I already knew. He is moderate to severely delayed in his speech and needs therapy. Then she proceeded to tell me that it will be 6 weeks befor he will be able to get in because they have a back up. Well, I gave it a shot. At the bottom of my gut, I had a feeling it was not going to work. As our situation is getting worse I know there is something I have to do I can't wait. I did a Google for speech therapy for here in town and I found one. So far I have heard wonderful things about it.
This morning within 2 hours I knew there was something I had to do. After such a rough day yesterday and it starting today I had to call someone for answers. I called the regional center here and they are going to do another eval as well as have someone who deals with behavior come out and help me. I hope we get this under control. Its nuts really!

Wish us luck!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Midnight meltdown

Princess took a nap. She snuck away and took a nap. If it was up to me I would super glue her eye lids open during the day! If she naps as little as 20 minutes she is up for 3 hours longer than I would like her to be.

So in the middle of putting her to bed she woke her brother. GREAT! Thought he would for sure go right back to bed since I kept him up late. Not the case. He had major sensory issues and wanted his head touched for the entire time. He cried when I stopped, cried when I did anything that would take me hand off his head.


Prince has never done anything of this sort.

We are now tossing in bed. He can't get comfortable. I brought them both. To bed in hopes of sleep.....

This night will continue

Friday, October 24, 2008


Not in this house!
With 2 dogs and 2 kids it is never dull.
Prince is trying to babble. He tries hard but nothing forms. I am trying to keep quiet and patient and just talk to him as I always would and have. I get no answer in return. It is so hard. I am trying to teach him sign language. He picks up on some of it. Princess really wants to learn sign language as a way to help her brother. She gets frustrated as well. I feel bad for them both because they are somewhat close but yet all the frustration.

Oh how many times a day I want to pull my hair out!

We took a journey to the library today and the kids had fun! Prince ran around and flashed everyone his cute smile. That always works even for the old men! Speaking of old men... One tried to get political on ME! I feel that I am the least political person on this earth. I nodded my head and smiled. Princess on the other hand "mommy what's this" "mommy what's that" through the entire branch. We got Talking Hands DVD and some budah book for her. We will return each on Friday.

Over all an eventful day. I still need to get my house clean!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sewing: Crate Pad

SO as I stated before I got a sewing machine and I made a crate pad for the dog. They are usually about $10 and I made it for $6. It was without a pattern and my first project since high school. Not bad but I surely can't sell them!!!

I got my fabric from Joann's and it was in the left over section!!! It worked for want I wanted to do!!!!

SO as I stated before I got a sewing machine and I made a crate pad for the dog. They are usually about $10 and I made it for $6. It was without a pattern and my first project since high school. Not bad but I surely can't sell them!!!

I got my fabric from Joann's and it was in the left over section!!! It worked for want I wanted to do!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Diaper Rash

My little Prince has had a crazy diaper rash! I really felt bad for him but I was not really sure what to do about it. Granny says aloe plant and then there is diaper rash cream. Any mommy that has a child who has had diaper rash knows that baby's do not like baby wipes. Well I have found something that works well on his little butt.

They are Target brand Lanolin wipes. They leave a layer of the lanolin on his butt as a barrier. They clean and leave lanolin! I can't ask for much more!

He doesn't fuss and the rash went away!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Live and Learn

So Prince had another hearing test on Friday. I thought for sure that everything would be fine. Especially since we had done the same test September 2nd. It was the test where they sit him in a room with earphones and make sounds. The only difference is that the test on September 2nd, they did not put the earphones on his ears. This time he didn't do so well. He did not have any response to the earphones that were in his ears. NONE! When they took out the earphones and transferred it to speaker he did fine. SO now we have to get a bear test. They have to put him to sleep with a special medicine and test his hearing with stickers on the back of his head.

This was not what I expected at all. I thought for sure he would pass it and then we would go on from there as to why he only says 3 words at 21 months. He has a speech eval on Monday so we will go from there.

On Thursday he went to see an allergist because I wanted to know what he is allergic to for several reasons. They kids both get rashes from sauces and fruits as well as anything sour. It is the acid. Prince is not allergic to anything. He has very sensitive skin though. Much better than a laundry list of allergies! Also they are saying that he has been over medicated and his asthma is not as bad as they say. Which is good... I think?

The allergist also sent a referral for a ped GI (tummy doctor) as well as to get his sinus' x-rayed. We will see what all that pans out to be.

So far I am hoping for the best. I just really want him to talk. The communication is rather hard. He bites, kicks, and does many mean things out of frustration. We will find something out Monday, hopefully.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I think I mentioned that I wanted to start WW.
I did.
Let me say this. It is rather hard to stay with when my DH is so against healthy food. He would rather have lots of meat and no veggies if any at all.

I feel that I have done rather well until I hit the weekend. Its hard to stick with it when he is home. As sad as it is to say I'm waiting for workups to start so I can take on this challenge like a champ.

I have found some great recipies that would work really well. They leave me full but don't use all my points which doesn't seem to be good. I will get it all figured out sooner or later.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WW- Week 1

I have not got my package in the mail yet but I have started the program a bit. I feel that I will be eating more food on this program than I normally eat. I do need to start going to the gym. I have a membership to 24hour that I should probably use. I would like to shed the 30 pounds with in the year. I need to look nice in that wedding dress. It will be summer of 2009.

Weigh in for the week of September 15= 155

Monday, September 15, 2008

Weekend wrap-up

I would love to tell you that I had an exciting weekend but that's not the case.

However I did go shopping at the commisary on base. I am usually against such thing but I figured we will see.

I spent a chunk of change there. I do feel like I got some good buys. I got 4 bags of meat there so that was a chunk of the money.

I do not buy steaks and roast there. I do not like the texture of the meat I have got. I do buy chick, pork, turkey, sausage, and other meats. Just not choice cuts.

I am hoping the veggies I bought this time last longer. I have been making some good and healthy dishes lately. SD swears its because I got a new sautae pan for my birthday!

Sunday was relaxing. I watched the Chargers lose to Denver. What an upsetting game!

I did however cash in some of My Coke Rewards and get BOGOFOf my Coke Zero! Coke products are not on sale this week and I do not want to pay $4 a 12 pack!

Like I said relaxing!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Fav

My Friday Fav this week is Home Fragrance Oils. I got mine at The Body Shop. They were about $7 and have lasted us a long time. I had my own burners that I used with tarts so I just used those. They are awesome.

I had a 2 story town home and they worked great in there as well. You use a small candle let them burn for about 15 minutes and you can smell them for sometime. I think we bought ours around Christmas and we still have them.

I bought Satsuma and Strawberry. We put 2 drops of each in and the smell is wonderful!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Weekend wrap-up

My weekend started off really depressing. I turned 27, went to the doctor and just was not feeling so well.

Turning 27 overall has not been so bad. I just really feel like a mom and older. I know that it is more mental than anything. I think I am okay with it. I just really do not ever want to be considered "old". I am trying to be optimistic and know that age happens!

I went to the doctor because I have not had my cycle since June. I have had 1 blood test and I can't tell you how many urine tests. They all came back to me negative. No pregnancy was not the issue. I have been tired more. So it is something that I wanted to know. My doctor decided that he wanted to do a blood panel for my thyroid. I would find out the results later this coming week.

Now... This has left me sad, depress, in fear, scared. I do not want to gain weight, take pills the rest of my life, have surgery. I have read up on the issue. I have a lot of the things related to the issue. I know that I need to take my happy self to the gym and eat right.

This also leaves me somewhat bummed because I wanted more kids. The more and more I read it says that getting pregnant when you have thyroid issues is a lot harder than if your hormones were regulated. All of this is just assumption from the doctor. I will know more later. Perhaps i am jumping to conclusions but I always do that.

Heres to a better week!!!

Red Lobster, NEVER again

Okay so I have been putting going to this so called restaurant for over a year. Since December 2005 to be exact. The food at Red Lobster is prepackaged. So basically it is made at some plant where they stuff it into bags. The "cook" gets it up in some water or whatever and serves it to you on a really hot plate. Okay that's why I don't eat there.

So SD has been bugging me to go there. Even after I tell him it is a waste of money, its packaged food and so on. They are doing all you can eat shrimp. So I said fine.

All you can eat shrimp was $17 so we ordered that each ice teas and a meal for the kids to split. I also got a sangera that had berry flavor to it. That was good. The food sucked. It had a taste of packaged food. SD finally realized that it was not worth the cost. The service is somewhat good but the food in my personal opinion is not worth it.

I do however, like the biscuts. I think they are the only thing still made in the store.

So long Red Lobster....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Only In Florida...

Does I thunder and u will have 4pm sunshine at the same time!
Our thunderstorm last night was nuts. Yet amazing. In California we do not get many storms like this. To see something so dangerous and yet so beautiful is so amazing! I'm glad it doesn't rain all the time at home!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I have a younger sister. We are 14 months and 4 days apart. We are like night and day. Have been since day one. I have always wanted to protect her, do things for her and most of all be friends with her. My mother and Granny have always told us that we are all each other has in the end.

All that being said. We don't talk. We haven't said more than ten minutes of conversation since 2000. She had a child (nephew) in October of 2001. She was in and put of his life for 2 years. She finally just left and moved away. Perhaps it is better.

Seeing as I have been a first time mother alone (she was not alone) I can understand things a first time mom goes through. She was young, 19. Not married and from what I know doesn't know who his father is. She got no prenatal care. She was in denial from the start. She comes and sees him twice a year. Sometimes three times. He treats her as a friend. The bond of "mother" and son is damaged. It can never be fixed. Our parents have him. He has a good life.

Before she has kids (if she chooses to) I think she should get help. She is wonderful with my kids. She is great with her son. I personally believe she was too young and not ready. Possibly for attention but who knows.

Part of me forgives her and part of me doesn't. This is a child innocent and pure. He has been emotionally damaged from her doings.

I love her. I don't like what she has done. I have invited her to my wedding. We have exchanged email and myspace. I hope to rebuild some kind of relationship with her.

Only time will tell.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Favorites

This week my Friday Fav is Veet. I have very sensative skin on my legs. Shaving gives me crazy bumps, rashes and nics. My mom suggested that I try it out. She has the same problem and it is what she uses. I really like it a lot. Especially the smoothness I get from it. They have a sensative formula and it works wonders. Its razor-less but you get this nifty razor looking thing. Not a lot of mess and super cleanup.

At my WALMART its $7 and you can use the can twice. A little pricey but so worth it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Relationship, Anyone?

I am not the best person to ask about a relationship. I will never claim to be a relationship guru but isn't communication a major factor in everyone's relationship no matter the kind? I am not very good at always expressing my feelings in the lightest manor or to make my point clear in spoken word. While I am here I have time to sit and ponder about life, love, kids, ME, future jobs and my relationship. I am lucky to be married to a man that puts Family first and me second. Sometimes seem really great and others not so great. We had a shot gun wedding, it was even at the court house. I was 4 months pregnant with Princess. SD was still a seamen. His parents knew of nothing until exactly 2 months before Princess was born. We started with nothing and just 2 months shy of 4 years we have it all. Well almost. When he met me I was beautiful. Skinny, fun, no worries, anything goes type of gal. Now not so much. I am a mom I have become a tad up tight, gained weight (about 40 pounds), dressed different, been depressed, have rather bad anxiety, I am a mom before anything, at times I have even lost my sex drive.

I am sure you are wondering why I come to my wonderful blog to write about this stuff? Why can't I just explain it to SD? Most of all what in the world started this?

1- Why write about it? Because he won't talk to me. He says all I want to do is argue. Then I will always have to be right (yeah, so!) even when he doesn't agree. I told him via text I wanted to talk about my feelings. I did not say I wanted to argue. I just figured I could get more out that way, the way I want. The way I mean it.

2- why can't I explain it to SD? He thinks I am trying to fight. Simple as that. He says short things or makes me think he just doesn't care. That's it. As far as it goes. I have tried. I get no response. He feels like I am trying to fight. Which that's not the case. So that's as far as it goes.

3- What started this thought and feeling? The fact that I am far away from home and SD says he misses me. Okay but why? He hates my cooking, says I nag, don't give him his free time, don't let him play his games, I am to controlling. If I am all this then why does he miss me? I just don't get it. What is there to miss? He is at home with the dog. Let me not forget, the fish. I just don't get men.

Things seem to be better now that I started this post. We will see how the next 3 weeks treats us.

Weekend Wrap UP

Honestly I can not remember what we did this weekend. I know we went grocery shopping. Oh crap! Oopos! My father came up from West Palm! He hasn't seen the kids since Brianna's 2nd birthday. Has not seen Ethan since the same time. He was a month old. My dad has aged. He has had kidney cancer (last November) and has had knee surgery (May 2006 I believe). He is grey now and thinner than 4 years ago. My father and I have had some rough times but I love him. I am a very lucky gal.

That's about it. For the weekend. Dad came Saturday at about 3 and left Monday morning. It was a good time.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Chores, When is a good age to start?

Growing up I didn't have any chores but to keep my room clean. That didn't start until I was in middle school or so. By that time my old habbits were hard to break. I also knew that if I waited long enough that my mom would eventually clean it. When mom would do it it was spotless! She didn't just tidy up she cleaned up.

Aside of my room I did help my Granny do things but it was never a chore. We had fun doing it and what made it fun was the fact that it was not chores, we were helping. Princess helps me with things around the house. She helps me tidy her room, put sipper cups away, throw away trash put some groceries away and pull together her laundry. She is 3. I figured this is a good age to start. I do not ask the world of her. I simply want to get her started in what she should be doing. I am not hard on her but I do want her to learn early. Guess you could say I learned from my mothers mistakes.

Now the reason I ask this is because I am in Florida for the month with my parents. They raise my nephew. They are treating him like he walks on water. You would think they learned from me. This kid is good but you can tell he is going to be lazy and not do anything when he gets older. He doesn't return his dishes to the sink, he doesn't ask nicely for things from my parents he is an all around demanding kid. He doesn't eat healthy and they don't push him. It is all very frustrating. He is almost 7, which makes it worse.

So I ask you, When did you start your children on any type of chores?

Two New Addictions

As if I needed anymore, right? This one does everything. Pearl white in color, buttons, camera, speaker phone, MP3 player, internet, GPS. The works. Did I mention, the works. I have had others similar. None have compared. I can blog from it. Call from it. I am in love.

With what you ask?

My Blackberry Pearl aka my Crackberry. I love this phone. I have mine through T-Mobile. SD also has one and he loves it as well. It really is a good phone. If you have the option to get one I would suggest you do so.

So that's only one of the two. What's the second? I'm sure you want to know! Macaroni & Cheese CRACKERS! They are like crack in a box. They are so good. When I came to my mom's there was a box on the counter. Nephew didn't like them so I figured ill give them a try. Been hooked since and that was six days ago. I even made a special trip to the store and bought other stuff. I found a good deal too! 2/$5 with .75 off each box! I was happy.

Those are my two addictions. I love them. Gonna be hard to break.

Friday Favorites

I am going to start a new thing. Friday Favorites. Something to keep me from rambling on about everything. This is going to be about anything from beauty to kitchen. Kid stuff to dog stuff. What ever is my fav!!!

This week I will write about the first thing i MUST drink in the morning. My day has to start with this or it just isn't right. No coffee No hot tea. Soda. Coke Zero to be exact. I used to drink regular Coke but I went on a calorie counting diet and i figured i would try this. I loved it. It was not as sweet but yet had the same refreshing taste. I have been drinking it since about March and I hope they keep making it for years to come! It doesn't make me burp like regular coke does either!!! I can't say enough about it!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

One Other Thing

The thunder storms. They are so nice and pretty. The sound of rain hitting the roof. The wind blowing it into the house. The kids having to find something to do inside the house. Prince wondering what the noise is..

The kids were having a pillow fight Prince snapping picture after picture with the Kid Tough Camera.

*later in the evening*

The storm is still here. You look out the window and you can see lightning strike. It is truely a beautiful disaster. Something so dangerous, such a huge force of nature can be so calm and serine. It is a part of the "seasons" I miss of California.

The kids are doing better than expected as we do not have this often. After all it never rains in Southern California!

Some Things I have learned about Florida

A couple things I have known about Florida but I wanted to share them with those of you in the blogosphere

1 It's hot. It's hot as hell!

2 It's humid. No use in doing my hair it's just to humid.

3. Where I am it is boring. There is nothing to do. I am in the center of the biggest county in Florida and its boring.

4 The weather changes faster than radar can pick it up! One second the sun was shinning then we had to get out of the pool cause storm clouds were overhead

5 Lots of old people. Not the retirement state for nothing!

6 This place is lots cheaper than Cali.

Overall I like to visit my family. I am glad I get to come out here and I am not far from water or civilization but I am not sure that I could ever live here. It's a beautiful place, really.

I am just not sure I could live here

Weekend Wrap UP

So my journey began Friday morning. We were off. Just the kids and I on a jet plane ride. For the east. Florida actually. They did great on the ride. Better than most kids. Nursing on the first flight was not an option because 1) Ethan is huge 2)there was a seat with a man sitting in it and Ethan is a flasher. So I had a bottle of his milk already and he was fine with that. Parents let's talk about flying with our kids. They make drammine for children 2 and over. If you can afford that plane ticket get you some. It was well worth the money rite aid took from me. Both children were very chill and hung out. The layover was hard but I was chasing them. I had a long layover so the kids could get up and move. Then our last flight was quick but they slept the entire time. It was nice.

My parents met us at the airport to help with stuff. They were all here. I felt loved. We waited forever and a day for luggage then began the journey home. We drove for what felt like hours to get to my parents house. The kids had to wind down and honestly so did I. The kids went to bed by 9PM pacific time and I fell asleep with them. Keep in mind that its 12am here. Fireworks still going off and everything. I heard them till 1 am.

Saturday I went to SUPER WALMART with my mom. We don't have those where I live. I got a swim suit and a new one for Brianna for $3! I couldn't believe it.

We went swimming today and yesterday the kids love it. I am glad that we were able bring the kids here. Ethan is having some separation issues. He doesn't really like me out of his sight.

All and all our weekend was wonderful. I miss home and SD but I think he will learn a thing or two with this trip.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Hair fix and on a jet ride to Florida!!

The day has come! We are on our way to Florida. I am so excited. I will be sure to have lots of photos.

I did get my hair fixed they way i wanted it! I am happy with it. My friends and i call it the "mom" cut and boy does it make me feel like a mom. I feel like i need to rush out and buy a new wardrobe asap! It will be good for the pool and simple to do for the rush of summer things.

I am a little nervous to leave SD. He always leaves us. We never leave him. I know he will be okay, I hope he will be okay, He has never lived on his own! We will see how much weight he loses if he can't cook!

I will be updating all along my trip. Hope everyone has a safe 4th of July.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Getting Lost and the results of it

I had a doctor appointment today. I have a mole on my nose that is a couple different colors and I wanted it looked at. I have anxiety and a sleeping problem also something wrong in my hip.... I recently switched doctors for the kids and I. So driving there was all new. Google gave the the WRONG directions. Completely wrong. Had me entirely out of my way. Anxiety was way up buy the time I got there. I got there and the staff was great and even though I had arrived late for the paperwork they got me right in.

The doctor was wonderful! I loved his bedside manor and he listened well! My hip is basically swollen muscles that is causing a pinch in my sciatic nerve , which I have had since 28 weeks pregnant with Prince. He told me the reason and looked at my body while I told him where it hurt. So we are gonna do physical therapy and see how it goes from there.

My mole. Its on my nose. It used to be a freckle but now it is a bump. I guess it has like 3 colors to it So he is gonna send me a referral to a plastic surgeon and see what happens. He wants it removed because it doesn't look normal.

my anxiety they gave me Lexapro. Which my Granny told me about. I guess my grandpa's brother took it and it really worked on him. My granny thought it would work on me. To at least try. Now this doctor listens. It I hope I can stay with him until we leave this location.