Saturday, December 13, 2008

Speech: Week 4

As I have mentioned before Prince goes to speech twice a week. He did rather well. Tuesday, he fussed for a minute and then went in there. Friday, he went right in. No problems. It was great. Of course I was a bit upset that he just went with her. It is a step that he needs to overcome though.

He did good. He is making sounds when he plays and doing signs for "more", "please" and "open". He is doing well.

Also, she can not find the punching bag thing in the back of his throat. Prince, also has an indention on the roof of his mouth and she doesn't think that has anything to do with his lack of communication. Than again, he is not talking yet.

Over all Prince, is doing well. He is happy and healthy. What more can I ask for.

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