Thursday, November 27, 2008

I have a secret

I have never made Thanksgiving dinner all by myself

Until this year that is!!!

I started to prepare last night. I made deviled eggs, shredded the cheese for the cornbread and diced up the potatoes for mashed. Score! I was not running behind.

This morning I woke up and started the rice for breakfast. Weird, I know. Rice is a important thing in our house sine the other 3 people here are Asian. The rice goes to a high cholesterol sausage that SD and the monsters really like. (I could have sworn I have blogged about it but I can't find it) Its rice with butter, hillshire farm sausage with syrup all over it. The syrup is fried with the sausage. I do not eat this. THEY do! After that was done I started the little smokies.

Then came the challenge!! The turkey. My mother calls her's Fred. I will leave that for her. I put lots of butter garlic parsley onion and have had it in the oven. Should be done in about 2 hours or so.

I made cream cheese wonton with crab and onion. The family loves these. They are so simple yet time consuming because you have to mix all the things together, make soft and then fold into the wrappers.

You know something is bound to happen to someone one's Thanksgiving. Something will go wrong usually. My dang turkey baster broke! It cracked down the side. I repaired it with some Peel & Seal and it was good to go. Also I lost a beater to my mixer but that's okay.
My Thanksgiving dinner was great! My turkey was good and everything else was perfect!
I am truly thankful that I was able to pull this off.

Times of the year like this when I am supposed to be near family really make me think.
My Granny and Dad have both been through cancer in the last year. I am thankful that they are here today with me.
I am thankful that my husband was not deployed, He was able to be here with us.
I am thankful for my kid's health

I am thankful for so many things. I can't name them all I would flood this page with thanks.

Hope you all had a wonderful meal and we able to be with the ones you love!

1 comment:

  1. Despite all of your tribulations and trials, I'm happy that your Thanksgiving went well, Jenn. Give everybody hugs for me. Except SD...give him hugs for you...else he'll think I'm trying to hit on him or something. :) Love you dudes and dudettes.
