Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tip: Boiled eggs

Last night I was making the boiled eggs for today. Living in a rented condo you have to take short cuts.

It is best to let the eggs sit in cold water with ice in it to get the egg shells off better. Well I have 2 ice trays. I did not want to run out of ice for anything just in case. Looking in my freezer I found plastic ice cubes, mine are in the shape of flowers.

I put some water in the bowl added those and there you have it! Perfect eggs.

Not everyone has these laying around. I purchased mine at Wal-Mart in the summer for the kids

1 comment:

  1. I got off on a tangent a while back and read about how to boil the perfect egg...even though I don't eat eggs. I'll try to find that.

    Anyway, I found this link while I was jackassing (Poppy's word!) earlier and not writing a paper that's due by midnight Sunday. You might have seen it, maybe not:
