Monday, September 08, 2008

Weekend wrap-up

My weekend started off really depressing. I turned 27, went to the doctor and just was not feeling so well.

Turning 27 overall has not been so bad. I just really feel like a mom and older. I know that it is more mental than anything. I think I am okay with it. I just really do not ever want to be considered "old". I am trying to be optimistic and know that age happens!

I went to the doctor because I have not had my cycle since June. I have had 1 blood test and I can't tell you how many urine tests. They all came back to me negative. No pregnancy was not the issue. I have been tired more. So it is something that I wanted to know. My doctor decided that he wanted to do a blood panel for my thyroid. I would find out the results later this coming week.

Now... This has left me sad, depress, in fear, scared. I do not want to gain weight, take pills the rest of my life, have surgery. I have read up on the issue. I have a lot of the things related to the issue. I know that I need to take my happy self to the gym and eat right.

This also leaves me somewhat bummed because I wanted more kids. The more and more I read it says that getting pregnant when you have thyroid issues is a lot harder than if your hormones were regulated. All of this is just assumption from the doctor. I will know more later. Perhaps i am jumping to conclusions but I always do that.

Heres to a better week!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I wanted to pop over and see yours.

    I was diagnosed with hashimoto's thyroiditis and hypothyroidism seven years ago this last August (I'm 36 now). I was diagnosed three months after my third child was born. I take a daily pill (along with my daily inhaler for asthma *sigh*). Nothing makes you feel old like kids and daily pills, lol.

    I have several nodules on my thyroid (been biopsied too which sucked). The biopsy actually wasn't that bad...the thought of it was worse. They told me my nodules would go down in size when my thyroid levels evened out but they never did. They went down enough to where I don't choke all the time when I laugh or turn my head a certain way...just some of the time, lol.

    I've read that it is harder to get pregnant with thyroid disease too but I went on to have a fourth child. She's 3 now.

    If you want to have more kids and you have thyroid disease, you'll start to get back to normal once your meds kick and and regulate your hormones and then you can have another (or many). I still have some brain fuzz (my once very sharp memory is still like swiss cheese a lot of times) and could lose 18 lbs but my hair stopped stopping up my tub as it fell out.

    Thyroid disease is becoming SO common anymore. It's scary. We put so much junk into our bodies though so I guess I shouldn't be surprised when parts start to fail.
