Friday, December 05, 2008

Female Issues

No this won't be a gruesome tale about the trials and tribulations of being a female. It will however, be about what I have found out about myself this year.

Over the summer I did not have a cycle for about 4 months. I was not pregnant, there were no answers. Around the time of my birthday they ran some tests on me. At first they thought for sure thyroid issues. So that was what they ran tests with. Those results came back negative. My doctor ran over somethings with me telling me what it could be, during this time I did research myself.

I had an ultrasound towards the end of September. I had many questions for the tech. I am not so sure as to why I wasted my breath. I knew she couldn't tell me jack crap. Laying on the table and taking peeks at the screen I see my ovaries looking like pomegranates. The things I saw were cysts. It was really crazy. I became scared. Many things wondered through my mind. Would I be able to have more children was the main concern.

I was diagnosed with PCOS

I had many things to deal with during that time. I went on with them and the pain was slowly worse. When my bladder would be slightly full it would hurt, when I would sit to long it would hurt, car rides it would hurt, pressure it would hurt. I decided then it was time to see my doctor. I am on medication now to hopefully get this under control so in the future we can plan for another child.

While I was in with the doc I asked her about the Mirena that I was on for a year. I asked her if this could be a side effect of this certain type of IUD. She asked me a couple questions and would not confirm but she did state that it could be a possibility because it says in your system for UP TO 12 months. I had my IUD in for about 14 months. She did state that this might not last for the rest of my life and that it could be more controllable. Which is all good information. With that being said, the IUD is not for everyone. It was good for its purpose, let's hope that the side effects are not lingering.

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