Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

While I would love to show you some wonderful pictures of my hubby and I having a good time... There are none to be had. Yesterday was a day to try what little patience I have left. I took all 3 kiddos to the emergency room with me because Sailor Dude had duty. (For you folks that are not aware of what that is, he stays on the ship for 24-48 hours. Depending on the day.)  The kids were great. Prince and Munchkin have a cold. Not much they can do for Munchkin. Prince was put on his nebulizer treatments again and then some decongestant.

Great. We left there with great care  and I was happy.

Until after nap.

Prince woke up screaming. I couldn't figure out why. After I got him settled I realized that it was most likely and ear infection. I have been a mom almost 5 years and never had to deal with an ear infection!

I call Sailor Dude to see if he can figure out a way to get home for a couple hours to take Princess and get her ready for bed. He made it home and I took the younger two to Urgent Care.

Prince did indeed have and ear infection. Poor kid had a ton of wax as well. They tried to flush his ears but that did not work. They were able to move it around a bit to see that it was a double ear infection.

We got it treated and made it home by 11. Got him in bed Munchkin a bath and was able to watch Dick Clark's NYE special like I do every year.

I hope this is not an indication of things to come....

Happy New Year! May you have a joyous year and I hope this coming year brings you new beginnings!

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