Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Works For Me Wednesday: All purpose scrubber

I wrote this post about the ScotchBright Glass Stove top cleaner. Now, I know I did not give the best reviews on this thing... but, there is always a but, I have found other uses for it.

I use this for everything... Well everything I need a scrubber on. If it is soft enough to use on a glass cooktop it is soft enough for other things. I use it on my stove as well as my table after the kids eat and sometimes my counters.
Also there is a velcro type of sticky on the scrubber, I am going to use some fleece when all of my pads run out and make it last longer. To conserve the pads, I used all the cleaner out of them then use a regular cleaner until the pad is to far gone.

That is what works for me

1 comment:

  1. hi, I found your blog while reading friends tweets.

    Nice to meet a fellow navy mistress in San Diego, lol

    have a great week, I am a follower now ;)
