Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It has been awhile... I have done a lot in the last year.  If you have been following me for a while you would know that I am getting ready to voyage over to Hawaii.

While most would ask why am I complaining... Because I can.

As a military wive you are prepared to do things a lone. If not... You should be.

 Thirty of my years on this earth I have learned to love everyone important to me from a far. Mostly my Mom and Dad.  Then when you marry a military man you learn to communicate via email. satellite phones, pea way phones, did I mention email?

I was not prepared mentally for what I am about to do. Perhaps that is why I am in panic mode.

As of now, today 12/20 I am moving across the ocean to Hawaii all alone with the kids and the dogs.  I really do not like taking my kids places I have never been. I do not know what to expect or anything like that.  I am sure when all is said and done I will love it, as of now... Seems like a nightmare.

So my journey is starting. I will be single momin-it, as I call it, trying to live simply with a child IN school, A homeschooler, a toddler and my small business I run from home.

Please share my adventure with me.  This will most certainly not be easy but as with everything I have done it will be an empowering experience when all is said and done.

GG, Nanna and E Halloween 2011 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Homeschool... Maybe so

I have always admired those that homeschool. I would love to teach my children and go and do fun things with them . Honestly, I thought it was to hard, I needed my time and I wanted the kids to have friends. It has come to a time that it is better that I suck it up and just keep my daughter home with me for this year. Maybe a couple more as I was told the schools at our next duty station are a lot less then stellar.

My main thing is that we do not live in the best school district. Most of the schools here are Title I and very low income. You would think the schools would be better. The school she goes/went to was a 4/10 and the school I wanted her to go to is pretty packed because of the 7/10 scaling so that was a no.

 I was lucky in kindergarden because she had an awesome teacher and a small classroom. She was in a class of 19 kids and it was a K/1 class. Meaning there were some kindergarden kids mixed with some 1st graders. I think it was a good idea for her.

This year has posed another problem. Here is my list:

* Part time teacher. She has one teacher M-W and another teacher Th-F. Not cool with that idea.
* Part of her time in the classroom is helping the ESL kids with their English.  Now I am totally down      with ESL classes but not on my kids learning time. Take them out of the class.
* The entire school gets a 30 minute lunch. The kids are taken to the lunch room to eat and play. Most kids play. In her case she plays and does not eat lunch. She has lost weight since school started this year.

I did not agree with all of the above. I am sure her part time teacher is pretty awesome but I am not down with my kid having a sub 2 days a week basically. The kids need a stable teacher. No matter how much they like them, or don't.

ESL. Is awesome. I think it is great that there are teachers as well as a lesson plan to teach these kiddos English. Take them out of class. That is the way it was done when I was in school.

Lunch. AYFKM?! They are in elementary school. They would rather play.  Sure I can go sit up there with her but I have 2 other kids. My little dude gets on the bus at that time and the baby is napping. What gives.

In a nut shell I figure for now I can teach her and have her learn better at home. It is 1st grade, it can not be that hard!

I will take you on my journey. I am using the K12 online program with a virtual school here in my state.

Wish us luck :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Adventures in Cloth Diapering

Honestly, I was one of the ones that said cloth diapers were nuts. Who wanted to do that laundry  and the #1 question “what do I do with the poop” I said and asked so many questions.
A friend of mine started to cloth diaper her kids because of an allergic reaction to the perfumes in ‘sposies. I told her… She was indeed nuts.
My gal friend in a group of ladies that was due around the time G was born said it was better for the environment and I told her once again… She was nuts.

Then baby G was born. EVERY. SINGLE. Diaper brand we used on her caused her to have scabs on her thighs and on the back. I could not figure it out until I talked to my mom. Elastic. I did the same thing.

I was pretty green as it was. I like to recycle, use less paper, use sustainable resources; I try not to leave a major carbon footprint on this earth. Short of cloth diapers.

So I gave it a shot. I actually got my first diapers from a friend mentioned above because it did not work out for her. I was going to give it a shot.

So when G was 2 months old we started cloth diapers and I only have one regret.

That I did not cloth diaper my previous kiddos

I would defiantly change a couple things I did though.

*I would have used prefolds on G when she was small. Prefolds are so much better around their tiny legs and they just need a cover and contain the mess pretty much.
* I would not have used Microfiber. MF as it is called is cheaper and easier to obtain since you can just get MF towels at WalMart or Target.  It is such and absorbent material that it seems really hard to wash out all the soap residue and ammonias that are left behind. Nothing a little boiling of inserts can’t help
*I would have researched fleece or wool covers! I used OneSize diapers and some Happy Heiney smalls and I got all sorts of leaks at first.

Over all cloth diapers have not been a nightmare for me. I have been rather lucky since G is not a very heavy wetter at all times.

Was there anything you would change about your adventure in Cloth Diapering?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Planning for a trip

So in a few days I am going to be on a family trip half way across the country. All 3 kids and both my dogs, they are small.
While I am excited to go on this trip I feel like it is really at the wrong time for me. I am in  between so many new things and new adventures. I am starting up my blog, my shop is doing awesome and I will be doing a craft fair in November. I am filling my plate that is for sure! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What Works for me Wednesday

Welcome to Works For me Wednesday, also known as WFMW.

Works for Me Wednesday is hosted by We Are That Family and the details are here details

This week I am going to show you how to cook and use the dim sum you can get in the frozen section. It is very very yummy and my kiddos love it. Sure beats taking 3 kiddos to the dim sum restaurant and risk someone going crazy :) 

This is what I used to make for the kiddos. You can use most of the one with this method. 

How these instructions show bamboo steamers. I have went through three, yes 3 of these. They do not hold up to well in the dishwasher and over time you just spend way more then you wanted to. 

I steam them one of 2 ways.... 

In my steamer that came with my pot set using a coffee filter so the dough of the dim sum does not stick 

Just a regular coffee filter. 

Bring the water to a boil before you place them on top. Steam for about 10 mins at that point and they will be good to go! 

Enjoy :) 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday- My frist post

I have been blogging for a while.... But I never participated because B was in school and E is so picky about how he eats. How that baby G is old enough to feed herself I want to participate as well! Awesome time to do it because we just got all the foods the kids like! 

here is a pic of this weeks MTM. 

Top row: Baked potato, ritz crackers, sliced banana 
Bottom Row: Baked Potato, bell pepper slices, strawberry slices
*the bell pepper was not a hit, with any of the kids! 

If you wish to participate in Muffin Tin Monday head on over to Muffin Tin Mom

Happy Monday! 

Monday Makings...

Welcome to Monday Makings.... I will bring you different variety of things depending on the week. I could be sewing or cooking or just giving you a tutorial. Please join me and let me know what you are making!

This week I am going to share how to make Fried Tofu and Peanut Sauce. This appetizer goes gor about $6-8 depending on where you go. It is super easy to make and it took me only about 20 mins from start to finish.

You need 1 container of FIRM tofu. If you use soft it will not work.
Cornstarch. 3 tablespoons maybe (you need to coat the tofu)
Peanut oil for frying ( you can use vegetable oil)

Remove tofu from package and dry it. You need to remove the water.  I use paper towels then a dish towel. Leave it sit while I get my cornstarch ready.

Warm oil in frying pan. I put enough to cover half the tofu.  You can use more or put it in a fryer. This is just what I do.

Cut tofu block in half to make it thinner

Then cut tofu in smaller pieces. This does not matter. Just do whatever

Coat Tofu with corn starch and add to the oil. Be careful because if there is still water on it will pop.

Let tofu fry until it is light brown, not much darker then when you started.

You can serve this with Sweet & Sour sauce or the following Peanut Sauce recipe

1/2cup Hoisin Sauce
2 table spoons of smooth peanut butter
3 tablespoons warm water (add last)
1 teaspoon rice vinegar
1 teaspoon of garlic minced (I just the stuff in the jar)
1 teaspoon fresh cilantro chopped

Mix all but the water in a blender until it is blended. Our family likes it a bit thinner so we added water. You can adjust it to your tastes.

Enjoy :)

Let me know what you are making

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How we 86'ed the Cloth Diapers

After having 2 kids I was going to wait until about 2.5 to potty learn., after all it was MUCH easier then. This "No more diapers at 2" did not seem to hold true for the most part.

Trouble ditching Cable…..

Not us!

I usually pay my bills from the webpay feature my bank has.  I just had it set up to pay the bill twice a month (I divided it up so we were not hit once a month). We had the “bundle of features.

Home phone with unlimited long distance calling
Cable with a DVR box and another regular cable box (for the kids….)
Internet… the highest one that we can buy cause the hubby is a gamer

This crap was expensive!

*I used the home phone to talk to my Granny and my mom
*The cable I watched CNN and Sprout and the channels for the kids
*Internet, I could use my phone but once again… Hubby is a gamer

We upgraded all 3 phones on the account for the same price we paid for the phone. So now we can use the cell phone whenever we go. I always have it with me and I never miss a call. I like that, especially with the kids.

The internet stayed the same BUT if hubby leaves (deployment) we are going to either of these options :

I will teether my internet from my Android phone. I can use it as a wireless hotspot and the internet is very decent. I was even able to stream the Netflix on my Boxee.

Now for the TV. That was the part that took some research. We do not use game consoles so we had to think outside that box.

We went with Western Digital Live at first but I really did not like that. The software that was added to it was pretty standard and not able for upgrades. I do not like being confined like that.  So we ditched it.

We tried a Sony one but I did not like that one bit, I would advise against it.

Then we got the Boxee. I love it.

While we had the Western Digital Live I tried Hulu Plus and Netflix. Hulu Plus is really not what it seems. It is just older shows since they do not have the contracts to stream the newer shows.  It is an awesome idea but just not for me.

I went with Netflix. We have an awesome amount of shows to watch and the kids do as well. There are educational things galore and I like that.  We do only have one TV now so I have to sit though these shows but it is worth it.

The only down size to streaming TV shows and movies is that when the internet goes out or gets slow…. So does your show.

Unfortunately you can’t stream Hulu on your Boxee (or most devices for that matter) but there are ways around doing so with a laptop. I have got frustrated. I have a Mac and to be honest I am not paying $30 for a cable to watch a show I can watch on my laptop.

All in all, we are happy with our switch over. It did not take us much time to get used to and we were pleased

Where to buy: You can go to www.netflix.com

And you can purchase a Boxee Box (we have the box) or you can download an app from their website. You can make a Boxee with your laptop and not spend the almost $200 that we did (damn!)

Here is the link http://www.boxee.tv/make

Enloy watching Boxee and saving some moola 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Fill In- MilSpouse

While I have not launched my new blog yet I would like to get to posting so It is not blank when my readers head over. I am starting with the MilSpouse Friday Fill in. Jennifer over at Wife of a Sailor has been doing these on Friday for a while. What a great time to come back to join an awesome group of ladies.

  1. If you could have a private concert with any singer, who would it be?  submitted by An Air Force Wife’s Blog
  2. Is there anything you do to supplement your family’s income? submitted by Our Life, One Adventure at a Time
  3. During your pregnancy (whether past, present, or future), what did you nickname your unborn baby before you knew the sex? submitted by Explosions of Love
  4. Have you ever won a blog giveaway?  If so what did you win? submitted by Mrs. O’s Life
  5. If I looked into your refrigerator right now, what would I find? submitted by Married to the Army

2 Yes, there sure is! I own small shop where I make things for children. I started with cloth diapers and I have expanded to dresses, ties and more. You can find me at The Juniper Cottage and my shop
3 Yes, just the last one because we were really not to sure what we were having because the symptoms were so different! She still goes by Munchkin.
4. Nope. Never won a giveaway.
5. A disaster! Lots of veggies and drinks for the kiddos. It is summer! :) Asian veggies since we just went to the market the other day :)

If you would like to join MilSpouse Friday Fill in Please head on over to Wife of A Sailor :)

Happy Friday

Monday, May 09, 2011

Seriously, Monday...


March 16 2008 My Granny told me she had cancer. In my mind she would fight it. I think I took for granted that she was a strong woman. I thought she would fight through this also.

Granny had Stage 4 small cell lung cancer. From smoking. She had smoked for a long time. Since she was 12 or some ridiculous age. Back then smoking was the norm it was not even about being "cool" or whatever. Like it is "cool" in a slow attempted suicide. I won't start on that speech.

I talked to Granny every Monday. No matter what. No matter how she felt. If she had chemo we arranged a time that she would call later. When the chemo kicked her ass, we made a time that she would at least call, even if I did all the talking to just tell her how the kids were. I heard her voice. I heard her ask about Ethan and I heard her voice light up.

When I found out I was pregnant with Munchkin, it was rather unexpected and I was scared. Granny wished for a boy and told me God will never give me more then I can handle. I told her I would hold her to that...

When Munchkin was born I was so sure Granny would fight this. I was so sure that all my kids would grow up to know the Granny that I did. I was sure of that.

Granny was always on the go, very opinionated, would help anyone and everyone, and would fight for what she believed in even if she stood alone. She was fun and always took us to do fun things. She taught me at a young age family is everything.

Granny got sick and cancer kicked her ass but her sprit kept fighting, she was going to make it. I was certain of that at least.

I kept warning my husband, when the day came I would fall apart. I am not sure what I would do, if I would be okay.

When the day came, I think I did decent. It has been after.

While I am so glad my Granny is not hurting anymore the selfish side of me wants her here. I need her here. There is not a Monday that goes by since December 11th I have not cried. My friends have all told me it will get better, that this won't last for long.


Today it hurts just as bad as the night I found out.

While I am very lucky that I had my Granny in my life for almost 30 years, it does not make it  any easier.

So while most of you think Monday's suck because your weekend of partying and relaxing is over... My Monday's suck because I miss my Granny more then words can describe....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

So far, so good

So far so good on kicking cable to the curb.

I must say, we are not totally without television. We have NetFlix shown on media players. I thought that live would be rough. Not so much.

The kids have awesome shows to watch. Educational as well as movies and shows that I grew up with. I am really enjoying it.

SD and I have watched the entire first season of Prison Break, which is pretty suspenseful.

So on to how we did it....

We bought media players. They are just what they say. MEDIA+PLAYER= Plays your media. Movies, photos and videos that you have made on your camcorder.

The first one that we bought was a Sony Media Player. I happen to like this one the best because it allows for so much more. Hulu Plus and Netflix with a couple other programs I have never heard of. Pretty simple to use and of course I like that.

We recently got a WDTV Live Plus this is basically the exact same thing. Has Netflix, no Hulu Plus but it does have Facebook, Pandora, some podcasts and maybe a few other built in programs. Only draw back about this one is it does not have WIFI built in, we had to buy an adaptor for that.

Both of these have remote apps for our Android phones :) Major plus with children's hands around who take them :)

Overall I am very happy with my decision to not to pay the cable company anymore money then I already do for internet :) It was a good decision and much less junk on my tv :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where have I been....

Here... No really. I have been.

The last year pretty much sucked. It sucked ass.

Between marriage issues (don't act like you have never had them... We all have), my father and my Granny with Cancer and just family life, I really felt like I was debbie downer. I had nothing else to talk about... Well nothing else came to mind. I just felt like I was one bitch/whine fest.

The fact of the matter, I knew my Granny was dying, It slowly messed me upside. I wanted to go home but I was just not able. Her house was not fit for all 3 kids, she has breakables everywhere and I am sure Ethan is not something she could handle. It tore me up inside.

I had many long talks with Granny about where my life was headed, where the military was moving us and what I should do with the kids and most of all with my life.

Granny always told me to follow my dreams. From a young age I wanted to branch out and do my own thing, never was much for rules or authority. She always knew that. I told her that I wanted to have my own shop. She was more then excited for me. She gave me pointers. :) It was helpful advise but I really wish she was here to share it with me.

So , Granny passed away and it killed me. I talked to the lady every Monday. Even when chemo got the best of her she answered the phone to tell me she was doing well. That she was still alive and kicking. It was very reassuring to me. I always picked up the phone and called her, whenever I needed something. I can't do that anymore.

Every Monday, I still cry. It never fails. Some random days I cry. Some random days I am mad and other days I am very thankful that I got to spend nearly 30 years of my life with my Granny. I know that some people do not get that much.

So I stay really busy. Between my family, My Shop and now selling Scentsy it has been working out. I know I have put my blog on hold. I really did not want to make anyone else feel down about my life.

I am thankful for all the DM's on twitter, I am thankful for the emails of people still checking on me. I appreciate it all. :)

Hopefully I am back... :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Healthy and simple... Can I do it?

This is a cross post from my other blog for my shop :)

Plain and simple I want healthy simple recipes that are filling not just for me, but my entire family

I have 3 munchkins and have always tried to be an the healthier side. There are just things that are easier to do and sometimes after a tiring day that is just easier. I am sure many of you may understand.

With my first 2 babies I did not cloth diaper but I made sure to do other things that were green. Lately with all of the things going on I have come to a place where it matters more. My kiddos are at the age that they can feed themselves and I have more time to cook. As the munchkin is more independent.

The problem is that I am at a loss for recipes. My mission is to find the healthiest but yet flavorful dinners for my family and I would love to share those with you :) Simple is good as well :) With 3 kiddos and two business, schools, therapy and just every day life, simple will be best. :)

So I am asking that you give me your healthiest recipe and in return I will start sharing my Menu of the week with you :) This will start May 2nd :)

I hope we all can have healthy and simple recipes from doing this :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

May 1st Doom's Day.... Kinda

Over the last year I have been toying with the idea of 86ing the cable company. We have cox and in my opinion we pay way to much for what it is. We already got rid of our home phone..... I would get rid of internet but my husband really loves it. He is a gamer :)

So as of May 1st we will have about 20 basic cable channels. This is just basically so we can have the basic channels and PBS. I have NetFlix and so far that seems to have better educational shows then the cable we were paying for.

I called in to Cox to tell them the news. Of course the lady wants to give me some speech on how we really are not paying that much and for just $50 I can have all the other channels. We will see but I doubt it. Seriously, it is all trash really. So once I tell her this is my finial decision she wants to inform me that I have to pay $20 for them to put a cap on my cable line.

AYFKM?! No. I am not paying that. The lady put he on hold came back and told me that she was waving the fee.... That is good. Cause I am not paying it. I informed her that was a crap shoot and wrong of Cox to do. So if you try to do what I am doing.... Do not pay that fee, There is no need. You are not asking for them to come out. WTF. They try to get any amount of money from you they can!

So join me on our journey without cable. We are hoping to get our tv shows through Hulu and Netflix. I will come up with more ideas for the kids but as for now I think we are covered. Since we have school agaed kids, I think we are good :)

Thursday, April 07, 2011

According to this.... I SUCK


So i "like" a lot of blog on my FB page. I came across this one:
This made me laugh. Let me give you my reasons why to each of these 5! LOL 

1- I am not annoying enough- yeah cause I read those "annoying" blogs. I am good with that. LOL I have my husband to annoy. Good enough for me :) 

2- Controversial- Oh yeah I am. Just when I have the thoughts I am usually at therapy for little dude or peeing... Cause I can't even do that ALONE!

3-I don't use enough 4 letter words- My mom reads my blog. yo!

4-Not crafty or creative- Sure I am. I have a store. That is why I do not blog much anymore. You can find my stuff hereHere, the first Tuesday of the monthhere, the 1st & 15th. Is that crafty and creative enough for you?

5- I am not a robot? No shit! I do not have a clone? No shit!


This was fun. I miss blogging :) 

The Month of the Military Child- Me

April is the Month of the Military Child. While I have 3 awesome Military brats children I want to talk about me for a few.

My mom wore combat boots before it was cool, my mom worked in a man's world to provide for her children. I am proud of her. :)

My mom and dad were divorced when I was 4. We lived in a small town. Dad got custody. I never felt the move around bit. That never affected me. Being away from my mom did. She would drive for 6 hours from Jacksonville when she got leave to come see us. Sometimes every weekend sometimes we would not see her for long periods of time. I know why now, then not so much.
Saying goodbye is not easy for me, it still isn't. I learned to love the most important people to me from afar.

I was one of the lucky ones I guess. I moved once. From Pensacola are to San Diego. I really did not "feel" the military life until I got to San Diego. Not only was I in a culture shock but I finally got my mom back.... Only to be taken away again by duty. Duty aboard a ship for 6 month time periods.

I have an awesome step-dad that took care of us, fed us and spoiled us until the reality of mom being home set back in. Since it was something I was already semi used to it was not hard. It was the reality of life that nothing is forever. I thought I had my mom back forever. It was a situation where I as young and did not understand. I do now.

I have no complaints. I do wish that I lived with my mom more, I do wish she did not miss so much. I do think it has made me stronger. My Granny was is an awesome woman who taught me so much. I was very lucky for my situation.

After all, how many teenagers can tell you they got grounded by their mom from and aircraft carrier in the Gulf of Oman... Yep, THIS CHICK :)

When I was 18 I told Air Force recruiters that there was no way in hell was I signing up for the service. I had done my time. I wanted to have kids and I wanted to be there for them. My mom did 21 years, my dad 26. At that time I did 18 as a daughter. I did not want anymore.

12 months and 7 days after I got rid of my expired Military ID I had another in my hand. I hope my children get out of the military what I did.

I have no regrets. I am proud my mom wore combat boots, she did what she could to take care of her children. I never did without, I never knew what it was like to go without. I had great health care, awesome friends in two states who I am still friends with today. Our relationship seems like it never ended, we have grown wiser, had families and still laugh and love together.

In the end, I would do it all over. I would move, I would pack up and go. I have met amazing people that tops all the bad things. You learn to be creative with family time. You learn that special holidays are what you make of them :) It really is about family. It is about how my parents made it for me. Those memories are worth it all :)