Thursday, April 21, 2011

Healthy and simple... Can I do it?

This is a cross post from my other blog for my shop :)

Plain and simple I want healthy simple recipes that are filling not just for me, but my entire family

I have 3 munchkins and have always tried to be an the healthier side. There are just things that are easier to do and sometimes after a tiring day that is just easier. I am sure many of you may understand.

With my first 2 babies I did not cloth diaper but I made sure to do other things that were green. Lately with all of the things going on I have come to a place where it matters more. My kiddos are at the age that they can feed themselves and I have more time to cook. As the munchkin is more independent.

The problem is that I am at a loss for recipes. My mission is to find the healthiest but yet flavorful dinners for my family and I would love to share those with you :) Simple is good as well :) With 3 kiddos and two business, schools, therapy and just every day life, simple will be best. :)

So I am asking that you give me your healthiest recipe and in return I will start sharing my Menu of the week with you :) This will start May 2nd :)

I hope we all can have healthy and simple recipes from doing this :)

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