Monday, July 18, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday- My frist post

I have been blogging for a while.... But I never participated because B was in school and E is so picky about how he eats. How that baby G is old enough to feed herself I want to participate as well! Awesome time to do it because we just got all the foods the kids like! 

here is a pic of this weeks MTM. 

Top row: Baked potato, ritz crackers, sliced banana 
Bottom Row: Baked Potato, bell pepper slices, strawberry slices
*the bell pepper was not a hit, with any of the kids! 

If you wish to participate in Muffin Tin Monday head on over to Muffin Tin Mom

Happy Monday! 


  1. Yummy Tin!
    Sometimes my boy will eat peppers and sometimes not! Kids can be so funny with their changing moods! :)

  2. Welcome to MTM! We have a lot of fun!

  3. I can't get my son to eat peppers! I will have to keep trying. Nice lunch!

  4. I have seen little flowers made from peppers that were so cute. Didn't work with Audrey either. Cute tin! Would you mind if I featured it on our blog next week?

  5. Yay! Jen, I am so glad you decided to join in! Welcome to the MTM community.My kid still don't like bell peppers. but i keep trying!

  6. Glad you were finally able to join in on the muffin tin fun! (the bell peppers were at least worth a try!)
