Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where have I been....

Here... No really. I have been.

The last year pretty much sucked. It sucked ass.

Between marriage issues (don't act like you have never had them... We all have), my father and my Granny with Cancer and just family life, I really felt like I was debbie downer. I had nothing else to talk about... Well nothing else came to mind. I just felt like I was one bitch/whine fest.

The fact of the matter, I knew my Granny was dying, It slowly messed me upside. I wanted to go home but I was just not able. Her house was not fit for all 3 kids, she has breakables everywhere and I am sure Ethan is not something she could handle. It tore me up inside.

I had many long talks with Granny about where my life was headed, where the military was moving us and what I should do with the kids and most of all with my life.

Granny always told me to follow my dreams. From a young age I wanted to branch out and do my own thing, never was much for rules or authority. She always knew that. I told her that I wanted to have my own shop. She was more then excited for me. She gave me pointers. :) It was helpful advise but I really wish she was here to share it with me.

So , Granny passed away and it killed me. I talked to the lady every Monday. Even when chemo got the best of her she answered the phone to tell me she was doing well. That she was still alive and kicking. It was very reassuring to me. I always picked up the phone and called her, whenever I needed something. I can't do that anymore.

Every Monday, I still cry. It never fails. Some random days I cry. Some random days I am mad and other days I am very thankful that I got to spend nearly 30 years of my life with my Granny. I know that some people do not get that much.

So I stay really busy. Between my family, My Shop and now selling Scentsy it has been working out. I know I have put my blog on hold. I really did not want to make anyone else feel down about my life.

I am thankful for all the DM's on twitter, I am thankful for the emails of people still checking on me. I appreciate it all. :)

Hopefully I am back... :)

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