Thursday, August 19, 2010

MilSpouse Friday Fill-in #9

MilSpouse Friday Fill-in is Hosted by Wife of Sailor Check there every Thursday for questions.

If you could be a fugitive from the law for whatever reason, what would your crime be? (from It’s a Hooah Life)
* Stealing my hubby from PAC

How long do you think you will be a military family? (from Julie the Army Wife)
*Well I am almost 29, all of my life I have been a military family. As of now, I do not want to do a day past August 31, 2013 but the next duty station might change me! 

What’s your favorite recipe? (from Keep Calm and Soldier On)
*My mom's beef stew. Mom has to make it. Something about it :) 

What would you want your last five words to be when you leave this life? (from My Goal is Simple
*I love you, Goodbye. I never say Goodbye. It seems like it is to serious. Being faced with deployments and moves my entire life I never wanted it that serious. I say "I'll see you later" 

Where do you hope to retire? (from Pennies from Heaven)
* Right now it is a toss up between Blaine, Minnesota and Plano, Texas. We have family  in both areas.  Hopefully where ever I rest my head my babies will get a little touch of the things I was raise with.  Those two areas seem to be a good mix


  1. When I was 16 my boyfriend at the time passed away in a car accident. I have never said goodbye to my family since then. My hubby is deployed so when we talk to him he is usually getting ready for bed and I tell him goodnight.

  2. You know... I am not sure. The ship is just going though a lot of BS and right now I just do not feel like it is wroth it.

    I will email you later about it.
