Thursday, August 26, 2010

Breastfeeding.... I made it!

All my babies were breastfed... Some more then others.

Princess was breastfed for about 3 months. After 48 hours of being awake and being alone I gave in. I'mnot sure why I never went back to nursing but I was definatly NOT easier! Midnight bottle feedings are far worse then rolling over and nursing :)

Prince was nursed for 22 months. He remembers it to this day and it was almost 2 years ago that I stopped

Munchkin was nursed 11 months.  While I had no struggles with her like I did the first two, I really wanted my bady back. Me back. As selfish as that is to say it's the truth. I pressured through it and made it the amount of time I wanted, a year.

I have bottle fed, I have breast fed, I've even had to tube feed 2 of my kiddos and by far nursing is the easiest.  I bonded with my babies and gave them something no one else could, liquid gold.

My journey nursing is done, for me at least. One day when I can go to school I hope to get an education in lactation to help other military wives when they are at their end.

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