Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I am alive and well....

Well I have a lot of catching up to do with blogging. Between 2 older kids and a newborn sometimes life gets the best of me. I also have many crafts I would like to do. Sadly, I see non of it starting until after Princess is in school and we get a routine down.
I will let you in on a little secret: I went to that side again and switched from a Blackberry to an iPhone. So far I really like it. I have to get used to the texting on it but otherwise it's a lot of fun. I'm loving my van! I never thought I would. It's roomy and the kids love it as well.Our family is adjusting well to being a family of five. Prince and Princess can't get enough of the munchkin.Well on to decide dinner and see what the kids are into.

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