Monday, January 02, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday

Starting off this new year one of the things I would like to do is keep my kiddos eating healthy while I am single-momin-it.  I try to keep as many processed foods out of their life as I am able to. Makes for clean eating and a wholesome diet.

I will write more about our journey though the year.  I was already pretty crunchy (tree hugger as the hubby calls it) and I would love to keep processed foods out of our life. It really is a win-win. 

On to Muffin Tin Monday:

Our Muffin Tin Monday included:
Strawberries and black berries, carrots, baked chicken drumstick with teriyaki sauce 
edamame, a bit of teriyaki sauce and rice crackers

If you would like to participate in Muffin Tin Monday head on over to Muffin Tin Monday and upload your blog post! 

Happy Monday :) 


  1. That looks yummy. I'm a firm believer in that healthy does not have to mean yucky or bland and you've definitely shown that :)

  2. great healthy tin! I have found that my kids eat a lot more variety since I started doing the tins.

  3. Never heard of Muffin Tin Monday before, but my three and five year old boys would like this.
