The more and more I have been looking into the diet of most of America the more disgusted I have become. Not to say I have not been there but it is not good.
I will just cut to the short of it... The American diet for the most part is shit. Way to many processed foods. The things you buy on the shelf are not "real" food. They have a shelf life, often for about a year or so and have loads of preservatives in them. Why? They need those to preserve their shelf life. Those are not good for you.
Since having Netflix I have watched a couple food documentaries which have made me think twice about food.
The main one that I watched that stuck with me was Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. You have to go in this with an open mind. The transform of these people is amazing.
Over the holiday vacation hubby was home and I was eating my fare share of horrible foods. I feel gross, icky and I even gained some weight.
To get myself back to my normal me with better eating habits my plan is to do the reboot diet for 7 days. While this is surely not an easy way to go about it I am hoping that it pays off.
In this process of researching doing this I have been doing some thinking about what foods we should eat. What foods are great for our bodies.
Certainly not processed foods.
ALL foods in America have to be processed. Before someone leaves a smart ass comment. They are checked and graded and so forth. Not that type of processing. I am referring to boxed meals, jarred sauces, anything with a shelf life longer then a week is probably not good for you.
You are probably thinking I am crazy. But no, I am not.
When I was growing up, and I am not OLD, my Granny made everything from scratch. Sauce, dough, bread for a while. You name it. As we got new technology and new ways to make foods last longer on the shelf, we got lazy. We as American's got lazy.
That also leads me to think of how we got the diet we have.
Why is this diet meat, grains then veggies?
For me, for my family our diet will now be veggies, meat and then grains. If any.
So I will blog about my adventures in feeding the kiddos a healthy diet with the least amount of processed foods as possible. I will also discuss my journey in getting healthy and dropping all the baby weight that I have added on :)
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