Thursday, May 24, 2012

Greedy Airlines

Once again the airlines are at it again….

So according to this article at the Daily Mail, which is out of the UK, we have a handful of greedy airlines that want to charge for parties of 2 or more to sit together.
HERE is the news article

I will be traveling here in a few weeks. I did not have to pay this fee but I did purchase our tickets about 2 months in advance. Way to beat the system, huh.

Anyway, my thoughts on this topic.


I myself will be traveling alone with 3 kids. One of which is non-verbal in stressful situations, one is a toddler, and the other talks more then I could ever imagine.  I usually try to get seats towards the back of the plane. It is closer to the bathroom, to the flight attendants and if the kids need legroom to walk around I just let them go.

So now these airlines (one of which I am flying on here in about 2 weeks) Is going to charge me $25 per ticket to sit with my party? AYFKM.
I guarantee no one wants to sit next to my son… You will have to help him do half the things in the seat, he will not communicate with you so he would cry or pee his pants, he will get hungry and not communicate with you so he will cry… I am sure there will be more.
My oldest…. Will talk your ear off about writing songs, how the planets are aligned, and probably how I am a mean mom.
My baby… Will take your stuff, make your life hell, want to run up and down the isle, laugh at you and just like the oldest, talk your ear off.

This is of course unless I give them melatonin or Dramamine. Then, of course, they would sleep. 

It is not another Traveler’s job to care for my kids. It is not the flight attendant’s job to do so either. If I was in the position to have help it might be a different story. That is not the case.  If they do implement these fees I would be more then happy to pay them to get my seats, upon check in I would gladly ask for a refund. My children are under the age of 12. They should not have to sit next to someone they do not know. What if it is someone whom can’t stand kids, who has done wrong things to kids, or just makes them uncomfortable? They should not have to endure that just to take a vacation to see Grandma.

So, here is to my vacation before Hawaii. We are taking the kiddos to see their Grandparents and my mom and dad will meet us up there as well.  I am very excited since it has been 6 months since the kids have seen their daddy.  I hope we have just as good of a trip as we usually do flying on this airline. Even though they have decided to be greedy asshats…

Happy Summer everyone

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Knowing when to let go

 Knowing when to let go…

I must admit… I want to do it all in life. My Grandpa always told me it was better to know a little bit about a lot of things then know a lot about a few things.  I have lived by that.  There is not much I can’t or won’t do if you show me at least once.

Over the last 2 years since I have had Munchkin I have made and sold cloth diapers. I loved knowing that I was able to help mamas out with diapers for their little ones. They would be what they wanted. Fewer diapers in the landfill and less chemicals on the babies skin is always great too.  

As my husband has been gone I have tried to really do it all. Have my shop, have a clean home, have happy kids, be happy, keep my sanity and cook good meals for the kids.  I was just not able to do it all. I needed to find out what is one of my stresses in life and put an end to that. It would be making diapers. I will still make some things and sell them on either of my shops but I will not make it a priority. I will probably pick up something else.
I have always wanted to do something to take over the world… While realistically I am aware this world is bit and I will never take it over, doesn’t mean that I can’t try.

So for now I take a break and write about my current life. I will have a home to decorate, kids to take to schools and Pinterest pins to try to make.

Please follow me on my new adventure. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Countdown begins

So I have been missing. Well not really, but I have been missing here.

I have been focusing on my shop and my home. Hubby is MIA and I am trying to keep sane while having a shop, the kids and life. If mom’s have one of those.

Over the next couple months, less then 90 days to be exact, I am picking up and PCSing to Oahu, Hawai’i. Alone. Three children and one dog.  I am really hoping to stay sane.  I will be sharing ways and tricks that I have learned along the way to make the move much smoother.

I have been very lucky in my eight years of marriage I have stayed in San Diego. I moved from Pensacola out to San Diego with my family 17 years ago. That is it.  I am using that knowledge and using it for this move as well.

Hawaii is not a “normal” PCS area. You have to do a lot of extra steps that you might not have to in other locations. Cars, housing wait list, pets, shipments you name it.

While everyone tells me that I am so lucky that I get to move to paradise it sure seems like a task. I am excited for the move to be over and done with and just get there.

So far I have my move date, my departure date, hotels set up and the dogs taken care of. In following posts I will elaborate on all of that. 

So here’s to blogging, sanity, a smooth move and awesome kiddos until we reach paradise 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday - All about the bread

Welcome to GG's Muffin Tin Monday 

If you would love to join her please head on over to 
Muffin Tin Monday at

Gg really loves to eat her lunch this way.  She will usually try anything in the muffin tin.

This week we had 

peanut and honey on Honey wheat with flax seed bread, Aunties Bunnies, cucumber sticks
more sandwich, grapes and ranch. 

I purchased this bread at Costco. I went into it blindly as I have never had it before. It is a known fact that wheat bread is much better for you but sometimes it is hard to get past the oats and wheat that are not all the way ground. This bread defiantly has all that. The soft texture is a deal sealer! 
I think next time I will get the whole wheat with honey. The flaxseed is a bit much. The texture and flavor is wonderful though :) 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Living Green


The more and more I have been looking into the diet of most of America the more disgusted I have become. Not to say I have not been there but it is not good.

I will just cut to the short of it... The American diet for the most part is shit. Way to many processed foods. The things you buy on the shelf are not "real" food. They have a shelf life, often for about a year or so and have loads of preservatives in them. Why? They need those to preserve their shelf life. Those are not good for you.

Since having Netflix I have watched a couple food documentaries which have made me think twice about food.

The main one that I watched that stuck with me was Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. You have to go in this with an open mind.  The transform of these people is amazing.

Over the holiday vacation hubby was home and I was eating my fare share of horrible foods. I feel gross, icky and I even gained some weight.

To get myself back to my normal me with better eating habits my plan is to do the reboot diet for 7 days. While this is surely not an easy way to go about it I am hoping that it pays off.

In this process of researching doing this I have been doing some thinking about what foods we should eat. What foods are great for our bodies.

Certainly not processed foods.

ALL foods in America have to be processed. Before someone leaves a smart ass comment. They are checked and graded and so forth. Not that type of processing. I am referring to boxed meals, jarred sauces, anything with a shelf life longer then a week is probably not good for you.  

You are probably thinking I am crazy. But no, I am not.

When I was growing up, and I am not OLD, my Granny made everything from scratch. Sauce, dough, bread for a while. You name it. As we got new technology and new ways to make foods last longer on the shelf, we got lazy. We as American's got lazy.

That also leads me to think of how we got the diet we have.

Why is this diet meat, grains then veggies?

For me, for my family our diet will now be veggies, meat and then grains. If any.

So I will blog about my adventures in feeding the kiddos a healthy diet with the least amount of processed foods as possible.  I will also discuss my journey in getting healthy and dropping all the baby weight that I have added on :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Stop SOPA

For more information please take action and sign the petition here

Also if you do any business online please read here

Monday, January 16, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday - Janruary 16th

Welcome to Muffin Tin Monday! 

Muffin Tin Monday is hosted over at:

Head on over and join the fun, your little one will love it as much as my kiddos do! 

This week we had:

salad, carrots, baked potato
salad, boiled egg, strawberries 
salad had ranch on it :) 

Hope you have a great week! 

Monday, January 02, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday

Starting off this new year one of the things I would like to do is keep my kiddos eating healthy while I am single-momin-it.  I try to keep as many processed foods out of their life as I am able to. Makes for clean eating and a wholesome diet.

I will write more about our journey though the year.  I was already pretty crunchy (tree hugger as the hubby calls it) and I would love to keep processed foods out of our life. It really is a win-win. 

On to Muffin Tin Monday:

Our Muffin Tin Monday included:
Strawberries and black berries, carrots, baked chicken drumstick with teriyaki sauce 
edamame, a bit of teriyaki sauce and rice crackers

If you would like to participate in Muffin Tin Monday head on over to Muffin Tin Monday and upload your blog post! 

Happy Monday :) 

Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year, New Adventures

Happy New Year!!!!

I would love to wish you and yours a wonderful new year! This year has many new changes coming for my family and I. If you are my friend or you have been following me for a period of time you will know that I am moving. Far, far away from a place I have lived for 17 years. This move will be quite an adventure, a life change and most of all it will be a test to my family and my marriage. I am not good at tests and I am also not good at waiting.

So I will write about my move to Hawaii :), being apart from my husband for 11 months, moving to Hawaii with 3 kids and 2 dogs and trying to raise healthy kids in the process. 

I do not have any NYE resolutions. I will be going through enough this year.  I just hope that I am able to keep my sanity and not go to crazy! 

Hope this new year brings new joys and journey to you and yours!