Monday, July 19, 2010


Hey there folks! I am back home!

I honestly need a vacation FROM my vacation.

I had a blast. My hubby has a rather large family so it was a big hectic and leaves me overwhelmed. I never know where to jump in and help and never know who is coming or going.

Sadly, I did a total Mom Fail and have no pictures on my camera from our vacation. I was to busy watching my kiddos and trying to keep track of them to worry about a camera. Lucky for me there were family running around with video cameras and personal cameras!

On our vacation, we went to a wedding (lasted all day), Munchkin got baptized, and we spent time at a lake house up in Cedar Creek Texas.

Over all I had a lot of fun. It is now time to welcome myself back to reality and get back to the daily grind.

I plan to do short little posts about my vacation and bother some of the family for pictures.

Thanks for staying tuned to my busy life!

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