Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Works for Me Wednesday - Juice


This weeks WFMW I am sharging with you a little cheating tip that I use. 
My kiddos still get water downed juice. I believe that it is better for them. 

I usually save at least one or two juice containers and make 2-3 bottles of "juice" with that. 
Now that I have the Munchkin, she can get a bit of flavoring in her water. That is just what it is. 
Keeps it cold and saves a tad bit of time.
Works for me, saves money too!

For more WFMW head over to We Are That Family.

1 comment:

  1. thats a great idea to just make it like that ahead of time. ive always done watered down juice too for the first couple years. Lukas never liked plain water, so adding just a little fruit juice to it, gave it enough flavor for him to want to drink it. I will probably use this tip for Brady. :)
