Saturday, March 13, 2010

Munchkin- 7 months

Munchkin is now 7 months old. She is such a sweet baby, total morning gal. Loves to hang out and play for a few hours before she starts demanding attention.

Munchkin, currently has two bottom teeth and two more are coming in. This little one does not handle pain well. My previous two babies would do great with Hylands Teething tablets, not Munchkin. I have even bought Hylands Teething Gel, it didn't work. I broke down and bought Oragel and give her motroin and she does well.

Munchkin is mobile now! She crawls and gets to where she needs to go. She is able to crawl but a majority of the time she scoots her head on the floor without picking it up. She stood at the couch for the first time today. I have mixed feelings about that, we have a large opening to our kitchen.

We are still nursing. She really is a champ. She would be more of a champ if she nursed anywhere, but I guess I can't be to picky. She loves to eat big girl food and loves her veggies. We have another veggie lover on our hands ;)

From what we can tell as of now she is on track. She is very vocal and babbles. She laughs and can carry on a "conversation" with her toys.

For a little munchkin that surprised our family, she is filled with so much love and laughter. I am so glad that I was blessed to have this sweet little girl come into my life.

-- Post From My iPhone

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