Monday, June 08, 2009

Thank goodness for warranties

The above TV looks really nice right????

Well it is a 40" LCD Samsung TV, you know one of those HD TVs?!

We have had it since January of 2008. We set it up when we moved into this condo on February 1st 2008. It has been a great TV since. Not long right????

The power supply on the TV has already started to go out. Yesterday the TV did not power up for 5 hours. Instead I got these vertical lines on it of all the colors.

I did some research and unplugged the TV over night and now it works. I am not sure if I want to turn it off.

So I have an email conversation with the SD and we decided we will buy another if we have to. Honestly, I could careless about a LCD TV I just need noise! I have a TV that is 5 years old and works great. The kids TV has been abused and it is about 7 years old and works great!

So today while trying to locate a Service Center to get this thing fixed in 2 weeks I realize that we have a 3 year service plan!! We bought our TV from Fry's Electronics. We paid about $120 for the 3 year plan. I am so glad we did. They are COMING to the house to fix it and I can go pick up a loaner TV anytime that I would like!

I will update how this goes. I am hoping for the best. We will see

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