Monday, June 22, 2009

The Evil Side of Cancer

My Granny called me On March 16th 2008 and told me she had cancer.  It was a Saturday. I will never forget it. I went out the night before with my husband and she waited until the next morning to tell me.

She had cancer in her throat, lungs, lymph noids and a spot on her liver. They would start chemo and hopefully get things taken care of.

She went through chemo, lost her hair got blood transfusions, got platelets and the works. Through it all I was able to talk with her almost daily and get updates from my Uncle. She has been a real trooper. She says she is fighting this and will not let it beat her.

Friday Granny got the results of her PET SCAN and she was told that she still has some cancer in her throat and lymph noids. Granny, had a lot of cancer. I had high hopes that it would have been cured with one round of chemo but I knew better. She said she had a feeling going into the test that she would come back with something.

She starts the process of a new chemo treatment Wednesday. She told me that it will not be as much chemo as before but it will be some. She could lose her hair and have all the other effects that she had last time. This really kills me BUT I will not let it get me down.

My Granny is a fighter! She will get through this with LOTS of support and LOVE!!!!

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