Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Evil Side of Cancer

My Granny called me On March 16th 2008 and told me she had cancer.  It was a Saturday. I will never forget it. I went out the night before with my husband and she waited until the next morning to tell me.

She had cancer in her throat, lungs, lymph noids and a spot on her liver. They would start chemo and hopefully get things taken care of.

She went through chemo, lost her hair got blood transfusions, got platelets and the works. Through it all I was able to talk with her almost daily and get updates from my Uncle. She has been a real trooper. She says she is fighting this and will not let it beat her.

Friday Granny got the results of her PET SCAN and she was told that she still has some cancer in her throat and lymph noids. Granny, had a lot of cancer. I had high hopes that it would have been cured with one round of chemo but I knew better. She said she had a feeling going into the test that she would come back with something.

She starts the process of a new chemo treatment Wednesday. She told me that it will not be as much chemo as before but it will be some. She could lose her hair and have all the other effects that she had last time. This really kills me BUT I will not let it get me down.

My Granny is a fighter! She will get through this with LOTS of support and LOVE!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Quotable Thursday #11

Hope you are having a great Thursday!!!!!

If I look confused it's because I'm thinking. - Samuel Goldwyn

The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes. - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Forgiveness is the final form of love. - Reinhold Niebuhr

To weep is to make less the depth of grief. - Shakespeare

Death should not be seen as the end, but as a very effective way to cut down on expenses. - Woody Allen

Never argue with a fool. Listeners can't tell which is which. - Unknown

God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. - Jewish Proverb

There's a magic in the distance, where the sea-line meets the sky. - Alfred Noyes

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come. - Victor Hugo

The three Rs of the Internal Revenue Service: This is ours; that is ours; everything is ours.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Blackberry: Who knew it was that easy

My Blackberry is my lifeline. I have 2 days a week that I do not have things to do or people over at my house. When SD is not home it is how we communicate, it is how he sees pictures of the kiddos and how I send him updates. When my scroll button went to hell I was crushed for 72 hours! It was horrid!
I was able to reply to email's but not write them. It pretty much sucked.

When I called T-Mobile I found out I was in GREAT timing! My warranty expired on the 24th or something. So I was sent a replacement phone right away.

My next panic was how was I going to get the info from my old BlackBerry to my new one!!!
I did some Google research and found out that BlackBerry Desktop Manager would be able to help me with that. I was in luck! I was able to hook up the phone via USB cord to the computer and it transfered and stored the info to the computer. Then I was instruced to hook up the new phone and it transfered it back!!!


Even the quotes I have saved for my Quotable Thursdays!!! I was very happy!!! Even my saved emails from people about things for the Prince.

 So have no fear if your BlackBerry ever decides to give out on you there is the desktio manager to helo you out!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

America's Best Selling Car

I couldn't help but to post this!!! I saw it on NBC Nightly News. I thought it was to cute.

I found an article on the website

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Quotable Thursday #10

Hey there!!! More Random Quotes this week! Sorry for the late post but my Blackberry replacement just came in and I was able to get them off the phone.

Have a great Thursday!!!!

Nothing will content him who is not content with little. - Greek proverb

Nothing recedes like success. - Walter Winchell

When I'm good, I'm very good. But when I'm bad I'm better. - Mae West

The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together. - William Shakespeare

One kind word can warm three winter months. - Japanese proverb

One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it. - Sidney Howard

Put a federal agency in charge of the Sahara Desert and it would run out of sand. - Peggy Noonan

Our greatest battles are that with our own minds. - Jameson Frank

The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances. - Aristotle

Whaoo...TV fixed

Well the TV repair man came out today and fixed our TV.

Let me first say the Sony Bravia we got as a loaner was not as nice looking as my TV, the picture needed to be fixed which I was not able to do because I did not have a remote. I am not sure if that is a normal thing, to not give remotes.

The TV blew a Capacitor. They guy was able to do it on the spot with his welding tool and it was really simple. He also told me that it is a common problem for this TV.

So my TV is fixed now. So I need to return the TV and all will be well....

Thank Goodness for warranties!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

TV update

Well I went today and got the loaner TV. I guess that comes with the warranty that SD purchased. That is nice. They had me sign my life away for the thing. I am surprised they didn't want Princess, since she is my first born and all!

I got a Sony Bravia TV. The strapping young lads loaded it into the car for me and all! What nice folks over there at Fry's.

Someone will be out tomorrow sometime to fix the TV. When that happens I will need to pack up this loaner and return the TV. I will have SD return it....

Also yesterday the scroll ball on my lovely BlackBerry decided that it did not want to scroll. The phone is 11 months old and still has warranty! Thank goodness. I should have another phone by Friday. I am hoping tomorrow since that is my communication with SD.

Wordless Wednesday: Palm Tree

I have to explain this. I went to get my kids fries from McDonald's (I know it is bad but daddy was gone and they were good) and as I am going through the drive though I look up and see this. This is a cell tower made to look like a palm tree. There are MANY MANY reports that cell towers are bad. This one is not close to any schools or places where kids will be but it is in a weird area!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Mommy of a preschooler!

Well today I signed Princess up for preschool! I can not believe that in 3 months I will have a preschooler! She starts September 8th!

Since we are not able to get her into state preschool she is going to a private school. It is here in town at a church. We like that idea.

She is VERY excited and can not wait to start school and have friends.

The school is not to expensive. They do celebrate Christmas, which we like. They do not celebrate Halloween but they do celebrate Harvest. I am going to assume that they celebrate everything else. We will go on field trips which I will get to take Prince and Munchkin along for the ride as well.

Not only will this start a new voyage but more things for me to post about ;o)

Monday, June 08, 2009

Binkey Clips

This is a different style of clip. This one has NO Velcro. I have it pictured on an Ark Grabber. I have decided to hand stitch this one instead because it is for a little girl with sensory issues. She is also two years old and I believe that this would hold better for her. This one is pretty basic because it is to keep track of the "P" as we call them.

This same set-up can be used for baby that is older and has mastered Velcro :o)

Thank goodness for warranties

The above TV looks really nice right????

Well it is a 40" LCD Samsung TV, you know one of those HD TVs?!

We have had it since January of 2008. We set it up when we moved into this condo on February 1st 2008. It has been a great TV since. Not long right????

The power supply on the TV has already started to go out. Yesterday the TV did not power up for 5 hours. Instead I got these vertical lines on it of all the colors.

I did some research and unplugged the TV over night and now it works. I am not sure if I want to turn it off.

So I have an email conversation with the SD and we decided we will buy another if we have to. Honestly, I could careless about a LCD TV I just need noise! I have a TV that is 5 years old and works great. The kids TV has been abused and it is about 7 years old and works great!

So today while trying to locate a Service Center to get this thing fixed in 2 weeks I realize that we have a 3 year service plan!! We bought our TV from Fry's Electronics. We paid about $120 for the 3 year plan. I am so glad we did. They are COMING to the house to fix it and I can go pick up a loaner TV anytime that I would like!

I will update how this goes. I am hoping for the best. We will see

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tetris

I am not a huge video game fan. I just don't have the patience to sit and figure those games out. I do however, like Tetris! I actually love it!

I had the first Game Boy that came out that was about the size of a brick. I played lots of Tetris on it.

Google updates their homepage at times of special things, or special to the world and nerdy people! HA!!!


Wal-mart You SUCK!

I know that I have posted about this before...

Wal-Mart store #5140 you suck!

Either your escalator is broken or your elevator is broken. They are both NEVER working at the same time. NEVER.

I went to your store the other day and only ONE of your elevators was working. Causing people that had children and baskets to use the elevator. Lets face it American's are to lazy to walk up those stairs. Honestly, you could say that I am lazy but I am 7.5 months pregnant with 2 kids and a buggy. I am NOT walking up those stairs.

You are a billion dollar company why can't you get your store fixed? You were the #1 rated store a couple years ago I am sure you got funding for that. What has happened to your dignity? The store is not what it used to be or what it was when it opened.

Now you have to go in the front of the store for returns. WHY?!?!? Because you can not get 2 of those little machines for returns? Because you can not keep people at each door to check things. To top it all off the door you want me to return something at usually has NO parking. While I will usually park furthest away and walk there are times when that is just not doable and this is one of those times.

I have decided that I will NO longer go to this location. Wal-Mart is looking like a hell hole compared to my local Target!

Please get your self in gear. While I am just one person complaining I was not the only one on Thursday morning.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Quotable Thursday #9

Random quotes this week.


The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend. - Henry David Thoreau

Nothing shows a man's character more than what he laughs at. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election. - Otto von Bismarck

I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. - George Burns

Ideas are the beginning of all achievement - Bruce Lee

We can only learn to love by loving. - Iris Murdoch

A problem is a chance for you to do your best. - Duke Ellington

To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage.- Lao Tse

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Oh great!

I love how doctors do not believe their patience!

I have had to take the 3 hour glucose test with the 2 precious pregnancies. Why would this one be different? I have to take the 3 hour glucose test. I am not sure when I will be able to take it since SD is gone for 3 weeks. I will figure something out or I will have to take it at the end of the month. Which is not good. I have 2 kids and that lab is pretty boring!
Also I was informed that I still have low platelets. This is called thrombocytopenia I did not think to ask what my levels were but at one time they were 120. When I went to the ER at 18 weeks I was informed that they have been low since I had Princess at the same hospital. They are not going up though. I am trying not to worry about it. Seeing as they probably want me to have a csection you need platelets to clot. You really need them when you have a child natural or csection. I have read up on this and I eat a lot of the food that I have read to eat. Lots of dark green leafy foods and such. They are going to test me one more time and if they are still low I am going to be getting tested every week and probably some type of medication or perhaps a transfusion.

I did get my RgoGam(also known as RH)shot today. They have hurt all 5 other times I have had them!!! This one did not hurt at all! I did not even feel it!!! So that is taken care of until the Munchkin is born.

Over all not good news. I have many things to do on a weekly basis and to try to fit 3-4 hours in the week to sit in the hospital is rough!! I will get it done though. I might just say screw it and just go on the GD diet.

We shall see!

Monday, June 01, 2009

This is a test....

This is a test. A test of your Navy spouse skills.

So for the next 3 weeks or so I will be on rest and doing it ALONE....

When I say alone, I mean it. My close friends who would be here to help have moved to the north part of San Diego. I think it would be a bit ridiculous to sit and ask for help when there would be a 45 minute drive one way! I have great neighbors but they are all in collage.

I have put myself in the mind set that I can do this. If I can do this I will be fine with 3 kiddos alone.

I really do not have much that I need help with. I have sitters for the times when I have some important appointments during these times. My actual hardest part is that I can not chase the kids. Well, Prince.

Hopefully I can figure something out to get their mind off of this. Which me luck. I have 18 days to go!!!

So here I am.... The Mistress for 3 weeks... Oh the joy


I have done some changes today.

I wanted to update my pages that I had for a bit about me but Google Pages is no longer. :( So now I am using Google Sites. I am hoping that I can get something to help spice it up a bit. They do not look to bad for me just breezing them together. The pages are now located over to the right hand side.

I have also put a lot of thought into getting someone to design a page for me. Just something simple. I am not sure how I would like to go about it. I have the design in my head but I am not sure if it would be to much. I really have no patience for lots of HTML or codes and such so this is working for now. We will see though.

I figures out how to remove the NAVBAR at the top of the page. I found a great site that shows Removal of the NAVBAR. It is really simple. It makes my page look better IMO.

If you are here reading my blog and you know of someone that makes designs for blogs please let me know. I would like to get one done as soon as I could.