Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kids say the darndest things- Yellow

This was a conversation between the Princess and I on the way to get the Prince from speech.

Princess: "Hey mom, that bus is yellow just like me"

Me: "you are yellow and white"

Princess: "You sure about that?"

Me: "Yep!"

Princess: "Does dad know about that?"

Me: "Yes Princess he does"

She is well aware that her father and I are not from the same place. Her dad is Vietnamese and I am Caucasian, Cherokee Indian and some things from northern Europe. We have neighbors who are black and she notices that she is not the same as them. She asked what color she was so we told her yellow and white.... That works. Now she has to go and make comments like this!!!

She likes the answer that god created a nice assortment of people. I guess she will understand when she goes to school!!!

What a diverse world we live in!!!

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