Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sewing: Wetbag

I have started to make a few things that I will need for Munchkin when she arrives. Basic things I will need for the diaper bag. Since I will be doing a lot of running around with 2 kiddos in school as well as Prince's standing appointments I decided I will need wetbags. A wetbag is a basic bag with a PLU lining. It is like vinyl. Since I fused a bunch of bags together a bit ago I decided to use that instead.

I get fabric in the remnants section of the fabric store. Sometimes you can actually find full yards of fabric there for 1/2 the price!!!

I had some beautiful purple fabric as well as ribbon to match and I just sewed it up really quick. I should have ironed my fabric but, oh well!!!

Here is what I made:


  1. How did you fuse those bags together? with a steamer? I need to try this!

    I heart the remnants section. I'm like a kid in a candy store!

  2. That's pretty cool, Jenn! You are downright crafty!
