Thursday, March 19, 2009

Review: Smooth Away

I have very sensitive skin especially on my legs. Since it is getting a bit warmer I need to wear shorts. I have been using Veet but since getting pregnant with baby #3 I have had worse sensitive skin. Veet just ate up my legs.

I have heard reviews and wonderful things about Smooth Away. So I tried it. It does work BUT it takes a bit more effort than just shaving. It would work better on finer hair than course. It did not leave red marks on me and seems to last a bit. It was not painful, though it is like sandpaper. It is really, really soft sand paper.

I am not sure that I will continue to use this product. I needed 2 pads to get both legs done. I think that seems a bit expensive. If you need to shave and have no water that you can use this product is great!

1 comment:

  1. I've been wanting to try this! It sounds good if you have no access to water to shave for a week, but I agree, it does sound expensive if you use it all the time and it takes several pads.
