Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sewing: Wetbag

I have started to make a few things that I will need for Munchkin when she arrives. Basic things I will need for the diaper bag. Since I will be doing a lot of running around with 2 kiddos in school as well as Prince's standing appointments I decided I will need wetbags. A wetbag is a basic bag with a PLU lining. It is like vinyl. Since I fused a bunch of bags together a bit ago I decided to use that instead.

I get fabric in the remnants section of the fabric store. Sometimes you can actually find full yards of fabric there for 1/2 the price!!!

I had some beautiful purple fabric as well as ribbon to match and I just sewed it up really quick. I should have ironed my fabric but, oh well!!!

Here is what I made:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Quotable Thursday

I have decided to start something new! I love quotes! I think they are rather fun. Sometimes how a one liner can mean so many things and can be so touching. I get quotes and inspirations sent to my phone daily. I will be using those as well as some others I find. They will range from military, family, glamor and all things that I love. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do putting it together for you.

I don't dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living. - Steven Spielberg

Every good thought you think is contributing its share to the ultimate result of your life. - Grenville Kleiser

Behind almost every woman you ever heard of stands a man who let her down. - Naomi Bliven

Living well and beautifully and justly are all one thing. - Socrates

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. - George Santayana

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Review: Smooth Away

I have very sensitive skin especially on my legs. Since it is getting a bit warmer I need to wear shorts. I have been using Veet but since getting pregnant with baby #3 I have had worse sensitive skin. Veet just ate up my legs.

I have heard reviews and wonderful things about Smooth Away. So I tried it. It does work BUT it takes a bit more effort than just shaving. It would work better on finer hair than course. It did not leave red marks on me and seems to last a bit. It was not painful, though it is like sandpaper. It is really, really soft sand paper.

I am not sure that I will continue to use this product. I needed 2 pads to get both legs done. I think that seems a bit expensive. If you need to shave and have no water that you can use this product is great!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Shoes, If you call them that

Prince has worn Robeez shoes. For awhile. Since he could walk. I had princess in the exact same shoes.
When Ethan got better on his feet we noticed that his feet turned in. I have been told by countless people that this is normal. I will buy that, but it is not normal for them to constantly fall due to being off balance when they walk. It got to a point where he was falling into everything and hitting his head.
I went to 2 different doctors at the doctor office. They told me to leave him in robeez type shoes and they would get better. When he was evaluated at the Regional Center they agreed that his falling could become dangerous. Maybe cause he fell a lot while they were working with him. They put in a request for inserts. We got him measured and. Fit with inserts for his shoes.

He hates them! He would leave the shoes on his feet long enough to walk in them and as soon as he was sitting off they came! He has never liked things tight on his feet. With these inserts he hates his shoes even less!!

He loves his robeez type shoes though.! He grew out of the basic size they have which is up to 18 month shoes. Whatever the size that is. I went to Etsy and found some wonderful shoes at Baby Bug Shoe Designs. They do look a bit like clown shoes because they are so big but he loves them! Ruth, was very understanding and very helpful. She got my shoes to me rather quick and I am very pleased. I will defiantly order shoes for the munchkin from her!!!

I thought I would share and give you guys the link! I am SO getting these for munchkin!