Monday, February 02, 2009

Weekend wrap-up

This weekend was good, overall. SD actually came home early, for the first time in 2 weeks! The kids were excited. They really missed their daddy. Saturday we went and took the kids out then took them to the mall for the merry-go-round! The kids love it and SD can stomach the ride!
Saturday night we went to his friends house up the street to watch the UFC fight. I am not a fan of these things. I figured, what the hell. I have met all these people before so it wasn't anything to worry about. They do not get stupid. Anyway. I decided after looking at these boys with their JACKED up faces that I would much rather my son play chess then be a fighter. LOL I mean, I know he needs to play football and all that. I pray he does not go that direction! I am not sure that I would have paid $60 to watch that fight... It was good though!

Sunday, I was sicker than a dog after drinking to much the night before. My zofran pills DID NOT work. The only thing that did was sleeping the sickness off. Which sucked because we had stuff to do. I was not even able to hold down liquids. After my nap I felt better and we took the kids out and got dinner and snacks with them.

We had a nice relaxing weekend. Today I did a laundry list of things that I had not planned BUT I felt good so I figured I should do it while I can...

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