Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Speech week 6

we have great news from speech!!!

Prince is doing really well. He is on the right track. He still signs and talks at the same time. Sometimes he just talks, others he just signs. We always have to be watchful of him just in case he is using his hands. His teacher mentioned something to me about them doing a trial play group type of thing. However, she was not sure.

Today she told me that they have picked Prince and 5 other kids to go every Friday for 1.5 hours. He will eat lunch there and play with kids in ways they have worked with the local school district. Speech, social and sensory issues are things they are going to work with.

I am a little worried, he is my baby. I have not really left him in a setting like that WITHOUT his sister. His teacher(s) (OT, Speech and SDRC) all know the situations that go on with him, so they are aware of his actions with other kids. He is not the only one like this so we are all aware of things that might happen.

I am excited for him to go. I hope it is something that he can benefit from, especially since he will start school soon after it ends!

Wish us luck!!!

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