Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sewing: Felt Crown

I found this crown over at Juicy Bits and I just knew I could make it! The only thing is that she uses 100% wool but I was not able to find bright colors in that fabric. Instead, I bought regular felt and got stronger interfacing.
This is for my friends daughter who turns 3! I am so excited. I have a lot of work do learn on sewing and keeping a steady hand but I think this looks okay!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tip: Boiled eggs

Last night I was making the boiled eggs for today. Living in a rented condo you have to take short cuts.

It is best to let the eggs sit in cold water with ice in it to get the egg shells off better. Well I have 2 ice trays. I did not want to run out of ice for anything just in case. Looking in my freezer I found plastic ice cubes, mine are in the shape of flowers.

I put some water in the bowl added those and there you have it! Perfect eggs.

Not everyone has these laying around. I purchased mine at Wal-Mart in the summer for the kids

I have a secret

I have never made Thanksgiving dinner all by myself

Until this year that is!!!

I started to prepare last night. I made deviled eggs, shredded the cheese for the cornbread and diced up the potatoes for mashed. Score! I was not running behind.

This morning I woke up and started the rice for breakfast. Weird, I know. Rice is a important thing in our house sine the other 3 people here are Asian. The rice goes to a high cholesterol sausage that SD and the monsters really like. (I could have sworn I have blogged about it but I can't find it) Its rice with butter, hillshire farm sausage with syrup all over it. The syrup is fried with the sausage. I do not eat this. THEY do! After that was done I started the little smokies.

Then came the challenge!! The turkey. My mother calls her's Fred. I will leave that for her. I put lots of butter garlic parsley onion and have had it in the oven. Should be done in about 2 hours or so.

I made cream cheese wonton with crab and onion. The family loves these. They are so simple yet time consuming because you have to mix all the things together, make soft and then fold into the wrappers.

You know something is bound to happen to someone one's Thanksgiving. Something will go wrong usually. My dang turkey baster broke! It cracked down the side. I repaired it with some Peel & Seal and it was good to go. Also I lost a beater to my mixer but that's okay.
My Thanksgiving dinner was great! My turkey was good and everything else was perfect!
I am truly thankful that I was able to pull this off.

Times of the year like this when I am supposed to be near family really make me think.
My Granny and Dad have both been through cancer in the last year. I am thankful that they are here today with me.
I am thankful that my husband was not deployed, He was able to be here with us.
I am thankful for my kid's health

I am thankful for so many things. I can't name them all I would flood this page with thanks.

Hope you all had a wonderful meal and we able to be with the ones you love!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tag, You're it!

The sneaky Storm over at Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife tagged me! So I will join in on the fun!!

ule #1 ~ Link to the person that tagged you.
Rule #2 ~ Post the rules on your Blog.
Rule #3 ~ Write 6 random things about yourself.
Rule #4 ~ Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
Rule #5 ~ Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.
Rule #6 ~ Let the tagger know your entry is up.

1- I can not stand to fold clothes! I hate it!
2- I have to be cold when I sleep. I can't sleep hot
3- I used to love to drive until I had kids, Now it scares me
4- I have always been a crafty person. I sometimes express it weird
4- I am cheap!
5- I would eat Chinese Food all day every day if I could
6- I do not like to talk on the phone. I would rather text!

I really do not have people to tag that I read off of. They are mostly large blogs that get a lot more traffic than little ol me.

In the mail: Kashi TLC soft baked cereal bars

I got in the mail this wonderful package!!! It was a cereal bar from Kashi. I knew it had to be good!! OMG was it ever!!! Yummy! Great flavor. I got the Blackberry Graham, loved it! I love the blackberry flavor and the cereal bar it's self was wonderful.

I so plan to buy more....

Also they sent me some coupons. I will share them with you! I received 5 coupons for $2 off Kashi soft baked cereal bars. They come in ripe strawberry, baked apple spice, and blackberry graham. Email me or leave a comment if you would like the coupon

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Toddlers, vinager and the speech class

Today was a tiring day. For some reason the Prince woke up today thinking that he had to get into everything!!! I couldn't keep up! As hard as I tried! Our bed side drawer was minor compared to what he got into!

The kicker!!! Oh what you think it could not be that bad? Right? WRONG!!!!

He poured 1/2 gallon on vinegar on the carpet in the hallway! The house stinks! It is so tart that it feels like the littlest hairs in my nose are burning! Horrid. I doaked a bunch up with the carpet cleaner but I was not able to get a lot of it. I put a fan to help dry it easier and faster but that was the best I could do. So for now we will smell the vinegar.

Prince goes to speech every Tuesday. This is time that we are taking to help him talk and communicate with others. Some of these days are harder than others. Today was one of them. This is his 3rd day. The first one was getting to know the teacher as well as a run down of things. The second one I didn't go in the room. Today since it was a different lady (his regular teacher was out for the holiday) I decided I had better go in. HUGE mistake. Prince backtracked. He would not communicate with her in any manor. Nothing. Signs or hand jesters were out of the question for him as well. I ended up breaking down. I know he is smart. I know he can talk. He just doesn't for whatever reason. Maybe it is him. The thoughts run through my head that perhaps it is me. I am not hard enough on him to make him talk. He has had whatever he wanted since day one. I know that eventually we will get it. He will talk. For now it is a struggle. I will fight this. He will fight this. Just as he has been a fighter since birth.

Needless to say, today was emotional, tiring, and hard. I know it gets easier. I hope for those days!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Carpet Cleaning

Is for the birds!

I thought it would be a great idea to have a carpet cleaner. I wanted to have one since I have 2 kids and 2 furkids. I mean having such messes you need that type of thing.

Perhaps I do not have the patience. I just do not want to go over and over things. I Know they are good to have in all but wouldn't it just be better to have someone come do it.

We will see how it works out when SD does it. I feel that my luck is at its end with these sort of things.

Menu Planning Monday

I'm an organizing Junkie

This is my first MPM. Growing up my mom always did a menu. She shopped off that menu. It made it much easier for her. She was in the Navy and we got home at 5 at night. We knew what was for dinner ahead of time. It was nice. Even to this day I call and say "What's for dinner?"

So here is my first menu

Asian pork tenderloin
fried rice

I am not sure yet as it is Speech for Prince and it has to be something fast

Breakfast for dinner

green bean casserole
broccoli and cheese corn bread n(Granny's recipe)
cranberry sauce

Left overs

Grilled cheese & ham
green beans


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Recipe: Mom's Chili

I just love my mother's chili. She is 2500 miles away, so here chili would be rather hard to eat for a family of 4 for dinner. She emailed me the recipe and I went to work on it.

Here is how it went

1 bell pepper
1 onion
1 package of chili mix (i used McCormick)
2 cans of kidney beans
1 pound of hamburger
2 cans of tomato sauce
chili powder to your taste
cumin (she puts this, I didn't)

Salt and pepper to taste on meat

Brown the meat. When it is half way through the browning process add onion and bell pepper. Finish browning. Add tomato sauce and chili mix. Cook through. Stir.

If you chose to add water do do. Put in beans and let cook.

My mother cooks hers for a long time. Mine was ready in 45 minutes! Very good and tastes just like moms!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gas, PT and overall thoughts

Well it was about time to fill up the Element. I went to the corner gas sore and I was rather suprised at what I saw. Gas for $1.95! I have a 13 gallon gas tank, so I figured it would have been about $26 to fill up. A tank of gas lasts me a long time. I just stay around town and since I do not work I don't waste a bunch of gas. I was rather excited.
Yesterday Prince got inserts put in his shoes. He walks with his toes pointed in. I have been told that it is coming from the hips not the knees. Which makes perfect sense. His hip joints are extremely lose. I can touch his toes together rather easily. I do need to buy him a bigger pair of shoes though because these do not give him room for the toes at the end. We will get those soon. I need to find ones that he likes first.

Lately I have been shopping at the .99 cents stores. Why? Well because they have awesome deals!! We have 3 stores here that I like to go to. One is the .99 Cents only store and the other 2 are Dollar Trees. They are great. Tonight I am making chili with everything I bought from there minus the hamburger I got on base. Everything all together is less than $7. I got the recipe from my mother. I love hers so I hope that mine will be just as good.

Here is to a great dinner

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sewing: Purse from fused plastic bags

I made this purse out of fused plastic bags. I got the tutorial over at Esty labs. I thought for sure that it would be hard. It was a bit time consuming but overall fun. Nothing I can do while the Prince is awake. I did it in the dining room with the windows open. I love it!! I will decorate it with some paints and such. I will post the finished product later.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weekend wrap-up

Laundry done
My bathroom done
playroom done

A clean house to start of the week is the best feeling in the world. However it did not come without a fight and some disagreements. My husband does not seem to understand how good it feels to have a clean house and wake up and start your week off that way. He had things he wanted to do and I had what I felt I needed to do.

Now I have time this week to get started on some crafts.I can't wait!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Review: ScotchBright Glass Stovetop Cleaner

I purchased this because I heard good reviews about it. My Granny bought it and she says that it does wonders. I mean it is overall good but I felt it left a shine on my stove. I had to put more elbow grease in to use it then I do the cleaner that I buy. They say it is easy. I would rather just use the Easy Off brand.

Here is the website link

Glass Stovetop Cleaner

This is the one that I like to use. I just get a non scratch scrubbing bad and that works better!!
Easy Off Glass stove top cleaner

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sewing: Ugly Doll

I was looking through blogs and I saw these Ugly doll things. I knew that would be easy to make.

I took some scraps and buttons and went to town.

I drew my pattern on a 8" x 11" piece of paper. It looked cute at that point. The fabric I chose was a bit bulky so it did not turn out how I expected. It is still cute though!!!

Here she is... I will name her Pinkey

Friday, November 07, 2008

I like to play with poop

Not really. That is what I had to do this week though.
Prince had a doctor appointment with a GI doctor due to some tummy issues. They wanted me to get 5 samples and take to the lab. So I had the mommy job of playing wit poop!

Thursday, November 06, 2008


This picture brings back memories of fishing with my dad and Granny growing up.

Going early fishing to get the best fish. Or the best fish for a 7 year old. I miss those days.

Growing up in Florida its the simple things in life that make a child's memories.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Frustration of speech

Or lack there of.

My Prince is 21 months and has a language level of a 12 month old. We have taken him to verious places for help. We tried First 5, he didn't like that. He didn't want to play with the other kids. He wanted to sit in my lap and play. He was the oldest child there and all of the others didn't talk either. I really do not see that as any help to him because it is not helping him talk and communicate with his peers.
We had a speech eval at Childerns Hospital here in San Diego. The pathologist did a rather LONG eval and in the end told me what I already knew. He is moderate to severely delayed in his speech and needs therapy. Then she proceeded to tell me that it will be 6 weeks befor he will be able to get in because they have a back up. Well, I gave it a shot. At the bottom of my gut, I had a feeling it was not going to work. As our situation is getting worse I know there is something I have to do I can't wait. I did a Google for speech therapy for here in town and I found one. So far I have heard wonderful things about it.
This morning within 2 hours I knew there was something I had to do. After such a rough day yesterday and it starting today I had to call someone for answers. I called the regional center here and they are going to do another eval as well as have someone who deals with behavior come out and help me. I hope we get this under control. Its nuts really!

Wish us luck!