Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Only In Florida...

Does I thunder and u will have 4pm sunshine at the same time!
Our thunderstorm last night was nuts. Yet amazing. In California we do not get many storms like this. To see something so dangerous and yet so beautiful is so amazing! I'm glad it doesn't rain all the time at home!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I have a younger sister. We are 14 months and 4 days apart. We are like night and day. Have been since day one. I have always wanted to protect her, do things for her and most of all be friends with her. My mother and Granny have always told us that we are all each other has in the end.

All that being said. We don't talk. We haven't said more than ten minutes of conversation since 2000. She had a child (nephew) in October of 2001. She was in and put of his life for 2 years. She finally just left and moved away. Perhaps it is better.

Seeing as I have been a first time mother alone (she was not alone) I can understand things a first time mom goes through. She was young, 19. Not married and from what I know doesn't know who his father is. She got no prenatal care. She was in denial from the start. She comes and sees him twice a year. Sometimes three times. He treats her as a friend. The bond of "mother" and son is damaged. It can never be fixed. Our parents have him. He has a good life.

Before she has kids (if she chooses to) I think she should get help. She is wonderful with my kids. She is great with her son. I personally believe she was too young and not ready. Possibly for attention but who knows.

Part of me forgives her and part of me doesn't. This is a child innocent and pure. He has been emotionally damaged from her doings.

I love her. I don't like what she has done. I have invited her to my wedding. We have exchanged email and myspace. I hope to rebuild some kind of relationship with her.

Only time will tell.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Favorites

This week my Friday Fav is Veet. I have very sensative skin on my legs. Shaving gives me crazy bumps, rashes and nics. My mom suggested that I try it out. She has the same problem and it is what she uses. I really like it a lot. Especially the smoothness I get from it. They have a sensative formula and it works wonders. Its razor-less but you get this nifty razor looking thing. Not a lot of mess and super cleanup.

At my WALMART its $7 and you can use the can twice. A little pricey but so worth it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Relationship, Anyone?

I am not the best person to ask about a relationship. I will never claim to be a relationship guru but isn't communication a major factor in everyone's relationship no matter the kind? I am not very good at always expressing my feelings in the lightest manor or to make my point clear in spoken word. While I am here I have time to sit and ponder about life, love, kids, ME, future jobs and my relationship. I am lucky to be married to a man that puts Family first and me second. Sometimes seem really great and others not so great. We had a shot gun wedding, it was even at the court house. I was 4 months pregnant with Princess. SD was still a seamen. His parents knew of nothing until exactly 2 months before Princess was born. We started with nothing and just 2 months shy of 4 years we have it all. Well almost. When he met me I was beautiful. Skinny, fun, no worries, anything goes type of gal. Now not so much. I am a mom I have become a tad up tight, gained weight (about 40 pounds), dressed different, been depressed, have rather bad anxiety, I am a mom before anything, at times I have even lost my sex drive.

I am sure you are wondering why I come to my wonderful blog to write about this stuff? Why can't I just explain it to SD? Most of all what in the world started this?

1- Why write about it? Because he won't talk to me. He says all I want to do is argue. Then I will always have to be right (yeah, so!) even when he doesn't agree. I told him via text I wanted to talk about my feelings. I did not say I wanted to argue. I just figured I could get more out that way, the way I want. The way I mean it.

2- why can't I explain it to SD? He thinks I am trying to fight. Simple as that. He says short things or makes me think he just doesn't care. That's it. As far as it goes. I have tried. I get no response. He feels like I am trying to fight. Which that's not the case. So that's as far as it goes.

3- What started this thought and feeling? The fact that I am far away from home and SD says he misses me. Okay but why? He hates my cooking, says I nag, don't give him his free time, don't let him play his games, I am to controlling. If I am all this then why does he miss me? I just don't get it. What is there to miss? He is at home with the dog. Let me not forget, the fish. I just don't get men.

Things seem to be better now that I started this post. We will see how the next 3 weeks treats us.

Weekend Wrap UP

Honestly I can not remember what we did this weekend. I know we went grocery shopping. Oh crap! Oopos! My father came up from West Palm! He hasn't seen the kids since Brianna's 2nd birthday. Has not seen Ethan since the same time. He was a month old. My dad has aged. He has had kidney cancer (last November) and has had knee surgery (May 2006 I believe). He is grey now and thinner than 4 years ago. My father and I have had some rough times but I love him. I am a very lucky gal.

That's about it. For the weekend. Dad came Saturday at about 3 and left Monday morning. It was a good time.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Chores, When is a good age to start?

Growing up I didn't have any chores but to keep my room clean. That didn't start until I was in middle school or so. By that time my old habbits were hard to break. I also knew that if I waited long enough that my mom would eventually clean it. When mom would do it it was spotless! She didn't just tidy up she cleaned up.

Aside of my room I did help my Granny do things but it was never a chore. We had fun doing it and what made it fun was the fact that it was not chores, we were helping. Princess helps me with things around the house. She helps me tidy her room, put sipper cups away, throw away trash put some groceries away and pull together her laundry. She is 3. I figured this is a good age to start. I do not ask the world of her. I simply want to get her started in what she should be doing. I am not hard on her but I do want her to learn early. Guess you could say I learned from my mothers mistakes.

Now the reason I ask this is because I am in Florida for the month with my parents. They raise my nephew. They are treating him like he walks on water. You would think they learned from me. This kid is good but you can tell he is going to be lazy and not do anything when he gets older. He doesn't return his dishes to the sink, he doesn't ask nicely for things from my parents he is an all around demanding kid. He doesn't eat healthy and they don't push him. It is all very frustrating. He is almost 7, which makes it worse.

So I ask you, When did you start your children on any type of chores?

Two New Addictions

As if I needed anymore, right? This one does everything. Pearl white in color, buttons, camera, speaker phone, MP3 player, internet, GPS. The works. Did I mention, the works. I have had others similar. None have compared. I can blog from it. Call from it. I am in love.

With what you ask?

My Blackberry Pearl aka my Crackberry. I love this phone. I have mine through T-Mobile. SD also has one and he loves it as well. It really is a good phone. If you have the option to get one I would suggest you do so.

So that's only one of the two. What's the second? I'm sure you want to know! Macaroni & Cheese CRACKERS! They are like crack in a box. They are so good. When I came to my mom's there was a box on the counter. Nephew didn't like them so I figured ill give them a try. Been hooked since and that was six days ago. I even made a special trip to the store and bought other stuff. I found a good deal too! 2/$5 with .75 off each box! I was happy.

Those are my two addictions. I love them. Gonna be hard to break.

Friday Favorites

I am going to start a new thing. Friday Favorites. Something to keep me from rambling on about everything. This is going to be about anything from beauty to kitchen. Kid stuff to dog stuff. What ever is my fav!!!

This week I will write about the first thing i MUST drink in the morning. My day has to start with this or it just isn't right. No coffee No hot tea. Soda. Coke Zero to be exact. I used to drink regular Coke but I went on a calorie counting diet and i figured i would try this. I loved it. It was not as sweet but yet had the same refreshing taste. I have been drinking it since about March and I hope they keep making it for years to come! It doesn't make me burp like regular coke does either!!! I can't say enough about it!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

One Other Thing

The thunder storms. They are so nice and pretty. The sound of rain hitting the roof. The wind blowing it into the house. The kids having to find something to do inside the house. Prince wondering what the noise is..

The kids were having a pillow fight Prince snapping picture after picture with the Kid Tough Camera.

*later in the evening*

The storm is still here. You look out the window and you can see lightning strike. It is truely a beautiful disaster. Something so dangerous, such a huge force of nature can be so calm and serine. It is a part of the "seasons" I miss of California.

The kids are doing better than expected as we do not have this often. After all it never rains in Southern California!

Some Things I have learned about Florida

A couple things I have known about Florida but I wanted to share them with those of you in the blogosphere

1 It's hot. It's hot as hell!

2 It's humid. No use in doing my hair it's just to humid.

3. Where I am it is boring. There is nothing to do. I am in the center of the biggest county in Florida and its boring.

4 The weather changes faster than radar can pick it up! One second the sun was shinning then we had to get out of the pool cause storm clouds were overhead

5 Lots of old people. Not the retirement state for nothing!

6 This place is lots cheaper than Cali.

Overall I like to visit my family. I am glad I get to come out here and I am not far from water or civilization but I am not sure that I could ever live here. It's a beautiful place, really.

I am just not sure I could live here

Weekend Wrap UP

So my journey began Friday morning. We were off. Just the kids and I on a jet plane ride. For the east. Florida actually. They did great on the ride. Better than most kids. Nursing on the first flight was not an option because 1) Ethan is huge 2)there was a seat with a man sitting in it and Ethan is a flasher. So I had a bottle of his milk already and he was fine with that. Parents let's talk about flying with our kids. They make drammine for children 2 and over. If you can afford that plane ticket get you some. It was well worth the money rite aid took from me. Both children were very chill and hung out. The layover was hard but I was chasing them. I had a long layover so the kids could get up and move. Then our last flight was quick but they slept the entire time. It was nice.

My parents met us at the airport to help with stuff. They were all here. I felt loved. We waited forever and a day for luggage then began the journey home. We drove for what felt like hours to get to my parents house. The kids had to wind down and honestly so did I. The kids went to bed by 9PM pacific time and I fell asleep with them. Keep in mind that its 12am here. Fireworks still going off and everything. I heard them till 1 am.

Saturday I went to SUPER WALMART with my mom. We don't have those where I live. I got a swim suit and a new one for Brianna for $3! I couldn't believe it.

We went swimming today and yesterday the kids love it. I am glad that we were able bring the kids here. Ethan is having some separation issues. He doesn't really like me out of his sight.

All and all our weekend was wonderful. I miss home and SD but I think he will learn a thing or two with this trip.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Hair fix and on a jet ride to Florida!!

The day has come! We are on our way to Florida. I am so excited. I will be sure to have lots of photos.

I did get my hair fixed they way i wanted it! I am happy with it. My friends and i call it the "mom" cut and boy does it make me feel like a mom. I feel like i need to rush out and buy a new wardrobe asap! It will be good for the pool and simple to do for the rush of summer things.

I am a little nervous to leave SD. He always leaves us. We never leave him. I know he will be okay, I hope he will be okay, He has never lived on his own! We will see how much weight he loses if he can't cook!

I will be updating all along my trip. Hope everyone has a safe 4th of July.