Thursday, May 27, 2010

I have missed you....

Well long time no write. 
I can tell you that a lot of things have gone on in my life. I have learned a lot about me, my family and most of all I have learned, I truly can not do anything. 
When I started out blogging my purpose was to at least help one person. Just one. However that is. With a smile, with a tear or just helping one woman know that she has never been alone. 
I have been married for 6 years. The most time I have spend with my husband was between June 07 to the last part of 08. About a year and a half. Of almost 6 years. This makes for hard times on a marriage. 
Before I got pregnant with Munchkin I was in a rut to try to figure the little man out. I was not sure what was wrong but I knew I had a sweetheart of a boy. I knew he had little quirks.  I was in a rut for myself. I was in pain and sad because I was diagnosed with PCOS and felt like I was doomed. 
I am not always the nicest wife. I have 3 kids a lone daily. While this is no excuse to be an out right bitch, it is my reason to be stressed.  
I am hoping the things I have learned about myself and my marriage I can share with you so maybe you do not do them as well. I know it is hard for a stay at home mom to get on her own road of whatever is easiest and not merge off the path. 
Honestly, I believe that is what happened in my marriage. My husband and I got used to doing whatever was easiest and that was not dealing with each other. We both had selfish bits. We both did instant gratification for what worked for us, and only us. Not what would be GOOD for US. Us as in him and I. 
Hopefully things have been taken off the wrong road and put back on the right track. 
I have no paid attention to my Reader, I have not been on Twitter and I have not blogged. I have paid attention to my husband. It is a wonderful thing. I missed him. I missed us. 
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. The wonderful emails I received were amazing. 


  1. I was wondering about you! Miss you on twitter and reading your blog updates...glad to see that things are better. We all go through it. Enjoy your time together!

  2. I miss you too. And exactly what you are going through is exactly what I worry about happening to us. Especially with a looong deployment looming possibly next year. Mine, not his.
