Friday, April 03, 2009

I thought that was it.....

Oh the joys of a toddler with pediatricians.

Prince has been walking since he was 9 months old. He always had his feet turn in a bit, I thought it was just the toddler thing. I have taken him to two peds and got the same answer, "It will correct itself in a couple months".


It has only gotten worse. His feet still turn in and his left one is worse than the right. I have said many things at his check-ups and I have felt ignored. I did get help from regional center here. They were great help. Unfortunately I was given inserts for his shoes that he does not like to wear. We tried everything and he just did not like them. He has worn suede type shoes that we got made for him, but they can not help in his foot form or anything like that.

I took him to his doctor yesterday and I was told he has Tibial Torsion. I have looked it up and it is not THAT bad, not something I was expecting. I was expecting them to tell me that he had bruised his feet and that it would get better. Boy was I wrong!!!

We see a Orthopedic Surgeon in the middle of the month and we will find out what they will do. They could either let it go or just do braces, shoes or I am not sure.

It is a bit frustrating because I knew something was not right. I did everything I was told to do and it did not fix itself. I wanted it fixed earlier because he would fall and hit his head and trip a lot. UGH the frustration of doctors....

When are they going to give Mother's the credit of us knowing our own kids?

1 comment:

  1. My sister had tibial torsion and wore shoes connected by braces overnight for quite sometime. She walks pretty normally now - which is good as she's 30.
    Simmering over the Kolz

